11. I Want My Son Back.

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Assalamu alaikum. Your support has been beautiful and I still can't believe that SBM got 100 views in less than a month, being a beginner. So it means a lot to me. Here's an update 😘


I hate you!

His son's voice echoed in his mind and when he turned to him, all he got was a hateful glare that he'd never seen before Joseph rushed to Safiyya.

The moment Alfred released her neck, Safiyya squatted down and coughed painfully as she rubbed her sore neck. Her face was red from suffocation and shock and she still couldn't register what happened fully when a small warm body embraced her, crying.

Safiyya swallowed her pain and rubbed his back soothingly.
"I'm sorry mummy. You were hurt because of me. I'm sorry!" Joseph cried.

"Don't apologize. It's not your fault," she assured him, keeping him mute.

Alfred watched this unfold, not knowing what to do and the agent's words finally streamed into his ears. There was a double kidnapping case and this woman helped his child, but because of his blinded hatred and anger, he let it out on her. He maltreated a woman!

But the action before him bent his will now. When did his son start calling a Muslim woman his mother? He can't allow that.

He walked towards them and snatched Joseph from her.

"Leave me. I hate you!" Joseph shouted as he tried to struggle free. Safiyya stood up, watching this helplessly.

Alfred frowned and held Joseph close to his face. "Stop struggling," he muttered, trying his best not to scare the kid. He can see his son hurting but he can't let this continue. 

"Let me go to my mummy." Joseph cried and he returned, "She is not your mother,"

"No! She's my mummy and I hate you!" Joseph shouted back. "Stop it!" Alfred couldn't help it and shouted back which made Joseph flinch in fear.

"Stop shouting at him!" he heard the woman say and his gaze tilted back to her. Safiyya shook at his scary gaze but blinked and glared back, remembering what he had just done.

"Stay away from my son or you are going to regret it." he pointed at her and warned before taking his son back to the car.

"Mummy!" Joseph cried out, reaching out to her before he was stuffed into the silver car.

Safiyya raised her hand in a daze, wishing this was a dream. She felt a cop approach her and apologized but her mind was preoccupied. From their words, there was nothing she could do to this rude and crazy man.

"I believe this is yours miss. Sorry that you got involved," the agent said softly, handing her bag and file to her. Safiyya thanked him before they gave her a ride back to her apartment.

Today was a memory that will be embedded in her heart forever. Safiyya dropped her back and entered the bathroom immediately. Being in the company of men and touched by them made her skin feel uncomfortable. All she knew was that she had to wash this filth before praying. Allah knows it wasn't her fault,  but her body won't feel good without scrubbing. She performed her wudu and came out to pray.

When Jessy came back, she met Safiyya sitting in the bed, her head buried in her knees and her curly wet hair draped on her back.

Jessy went in and freshened up before coming to sit beside her friend. There wasn't food in the kitchen nor was the room cleaned, which means that something was wrong with her friend. 

"Sofiyya," she called out, softly tapping her arm.

Safiyya raised her head and the dilemma in her eyes was very visible.

"What happened?" Jessy asked carefully. 

What happened? Safiyya thought and all the incidents repeated in her brain again. She choked, her lips parted and she started crying.

"Oh, my goodness.  What's wrong Sofiyya?" Jessy panicked and held Safiyya's shoulder.

The young lady sobbed while muttering, "My son Jessy. I want my son back. "

"Huh?" Jessy was speechless at those words. "Son? When did you have a son? Speak to me Sofiyya!" she urged. She hoped her friend's brain didn't get damaged.

"I want my son. Yousef.  I can't be separated from him! I can't!" Safiyya sobbed harder, her white skin becoming red from crying. 

"Okay. Okay. He will be back. Stop crying, " Jessy could only say this and embraced her. She rubbed her hair, waiting until she calmed down.

She pulled back and wiped her tears. Seeing that Safiyya had calmed down, she gave her a serious look and asked, "Now tell me about this so-called son. We've been together for years now and I am sure that you never got married or pregnant." Nothing sounds logical. The lady in question was barely twenty years old and they never separated,  something else was going on.

Safiyya sniffed and told her what happened that day. Jessy was stupefied hearing all that happened. She told Safiyya earlier that today would change her life and it happened.

"Jessy. Yousef's father is rude and scary. I can't let him stay there. I don't even know….what's happening to him," Safiyya lamented.

Jessy took her time to process things before exhaling. She bore her gaze into Safiyya and started, "You are not thinking straight now Sofiyya, so your thoughts are not rational. No matter how fierce a lion is, it won't eat its cub. What that man showed you might be out of anger. Don't forget that his son was kidnapped and he suddenly saw him with a random lady, claiming to be her child. So, I don't think your son is in trouble," How did the bond happen in a day to make Safiyya cry this much, Jessy had no idea but as her friend, she chose to be there for her.

"But, I can't stay away from him Jessy, " Safiyya said. "I know that I am being stupid. I didn't give birth to this child and only met him today, but only I and Allah know what I am feeling now. I don't know what to do."

Jessy suddenly smirked with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Who said that you are going to stay away from him? To hell with what that man said!"

What is Jessy planning huh? Will Safiyya get to be with Yousef🥺 Find out soon.

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