61. Reunion.

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Joseph was already dressed up for the weekend outing with his mummy. When she told him about it this morning, he was ecstatic. Safiyya had made plans and they were having breakfast outside first. He was now trying to convince his father to come with them. Alfred was working from home because he had a lot to do, so he had to disagree. 

"I have work to do Joseph. Maybe next time," Alfred told him gently. Joseph pouted and hugged his father's arm, clinging onto him. "But it's going to be fun. Don't you want to join us?" he whined. 

Alfred dropped his work and looked at his son who had puppy eyes. He sighed and brought him to his lap. 

"Please understand son. I wish I could but I'm busy. How about another time? Hmm?" he said. 

"Promise?" Joseph asked holding his neck and he nodded. "It's a promise," 

"Great!" Joseph grinned and hugged him. "Oh. Hey mummy. Let's go," he pulled back sighting Safiyya. Alfred tilted his head and was astounded. She was dressed in a white salwar and kameez with red and green floral prints, a peach-colored abaya over it, and a hijab. The color matches her eyes very well. 

Safiyya was oblivious to his look and reached out to Joseph with a smile. "Let's go, Yousef," 

"Okay," he said and Alfred held him down. He held Joseph's hand and offered to walk them out. Safiyya smiled at this and Joseph gave her his hand. They walked out together and met Old Xav by the gate. The old man smiled seeing the bright faces of the family. Alfred was somehow different than he was before with a light shade on his face. He grinned at them and Joseph ran up to hug him. 

Alfred shook his head and told Old Xav, "Stay close to them Old Xav," 

"Sure thing Alfred," the man nodded. 

"Don't tire your mummy out Joseph," he warned and Joseph nodded. Alfred stood straight and called out to Safiyya. She walked toward him and he surprised her by wrapping her shoulders and guiding her steps away from the car. She looked at his hand on her shoulder with a frown and then at him and his expression was serious. The sun illuminated his face, making him even more handsome despite the stoic facade. 

"Joseph rarely goes out, so even if he is with you, I am concerned by how things will go on. You have to watch over him and make sure that no one hurts him. Be careful too," he said in a low voice. 

Safiyya stared at him with her lips parted before she smiled. She tapped his hand and uttered, "Don't worry sir Alfred. Yousef will be under my watch," 

He hummed and she walked past him. They entered the car and he watched them before he went back in. 

Safiyya brought Joseph to a restaurant and they enjoyed breakfast together before going to the park. At first, she played alongside him but the boy had grown confident over the weeks, so he used his brain and charm to play with other kids. Kids were kids after all and they neglected anything strange as they played freely. 

Safiyya sat on the bench and watched him with a peaceful expression. 

"Bestie!" she heard a squeal and grinned standing up. Jessy rushed toward her and they hugged each other tightly. 

"I missed you, Jessy," she smiled as they pulled back. 

"I missed you too babe. Look at you. Married and happy," Jessy winked and Safiyya slapped her shoulder playfully. "You are still the same," 

"Come on. It's true. You are blooming. I'm jealous now," Jessy laughed and they sat down. 

"How has it been? With the house and work?" Safiyya asked calmly. 

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