50. Confidence boost.

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Don't let go.

The words left Safiyya in a trance as she looked at Alfred who didn't break the contact.

"These circles can detect the body temperature and to pass and get an orb, we must pass together," he told her and she came to a realization. Still…
"The only way that's possible is if we jump at the same time," she said with a sigh. Another exercise.

"Quick, let's go," Alfred tugged her hand and they stood before the first circle. Safiyya didn't wait to ask if he was really and shouted, "One, two, three. Jump!" she closed her eyes as her feet landed and watched amazed as the circle lit up with bright yellow.

"Yay! It's shining!" she laughed and almost clapped when she realized that her hand was still held. She tilted her head at Alfred, smiling awkwardly. "It was…cool just now," she tried to explain but got no answer. Alfred was looking at her like she did something bad.

"Follow my lead instead," he uttered.

"Ooo…" she dragged before shouting again. "Jump!" He had no choice but to jump and this time, she didn't stop and kept moving. The way the circles lit simply gave her joy and by the time they reached the, she clapped her hands in excitement. That was so much fun compared to the first stage.

"Are you done?" she heard Alfred's voice and he was scowling at her with his arms folded.

She covered her mouth to hold her chuckle before clearing her throat. "We finished fast. Now the orb," she said and rushed to the staff. Alfred sighed and followed her and this time, it was his palm covering her small one. It lit up and the yellow orb came out.

Safiyya stored it and they continued.

The third stage was a blue orb.

The fourth was a purple orb.

From behind the bushes, they could see the large tree where the last stage was situated, but after arriving, their rivals were there already. Safiyya held her waist and watched them with interest.

A machine was on a tree trunk high above with a thick rope with two ends. Mason was at one end pulling the rope while the other was being lifted and Betty was hovering but his arms were bulging from the stress and the role kept going up and down.

"Oh this is hard," he angrily said and let the rope down. Betty harrumphed and glared at him. "Blame yourself for being weak,"

"Well, blame yourself for being fat," he retorted.

Alfred cleared his throat breaking their confrontation. Betty swallowed and whispered yelled at Mason.  "We can't do this. So just leave it to them while rushing to the finish line,"

He nodded and waved at their opponent. "See ya!" he shouted before they ran off again.

"Tsk. This should be easy," Safiyya beamed and rushed to the tree.

"I doubt that with your weight," Alfred returned coming to stand beside her. She pursed her lips and silently held the rope. The last stage was embarrassing for her and she didn't want to remember it.

"Hold on tight," Alfred said, not wanting to waste time. She nodded and grabbed it right and with a light tug, her feet were already off the ground. With three more pulls, Safiyya reached the device and pressed the button on it. A golden orb was inside and she picked it up.

"Done!" she shouted and he nodded before releasing the rope down slowly. 

Safiyya found her footings and stored the ball. "Hurry, we can't be too late," she said giving him her hand.

He glanced at her hand as his jaw tightened. "Come on!" she whined. What's wrong with him?

"You are still slow," he said and tugged her arm and before she knew it, she was being carried like a child. "Drop me down!" she demanded but he was already running. Safiyya dropped her head, holding his neck tightly. The waves of embarrassment will finish her today.

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