14. The Interview Test.

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Salam! It's a Friday. Here's an update to further cheer up the day❤️

Class A32 wasn't big but accommodating. Two large windows sat opposite each other on the white-painted walls, with string curtains on. A podium was at the front with a large screen on the wall and a desk on it. Three steps led to the floor where plastic white chairs sat, each with a table. The class was well-lit and cozy.

Safiyya found a young lady in the front seat, scribbling numbers on a journal. Her chestnut hair fell on her shoulder and she wore glasses. She didn't seem to notice someone else's entrance as Safiyya approached her.

The lady was trying to figure something out, so Safiyya stayed quiet and watched her.

"Why won't it just balance?! I've adjusted the price but the profit keeps getting smaller," the lady grumbled.

"If you add one zero and make the orders in two weeks rather than a month, the profit will increase by 5," Safiyya mentioned from behind her.

The lady paused, as she realized that someone was behind her. She tilted her head and Safiyya gave her a wave.

She squinted her eyes first before saying, "Your suggestion sounds smart and I'll  try it since I'm out of options."

Safiyya simply smiled, as she finally had a good conversation without criticism. The lady opened another page and started her calculations over again. She paused at the first result and stood up to face Safiyya, excitedly. 

"Just a rough trial on paper, but that worked out so well. You are a genius," she chuckled and surprised Safiyya with a hug. "Thanks for the suggestion, hijabi."

"It's Safiyya," Safiyya returned and stiffened as she heard another voice behind her.

"More like Sophia," the thin male voice said. The girls separated and she turned around, sighting another young man in a checkered shirt, tucked into black trousers.

"Hi, I'm Jerald." he waved his hand.

"How nice of you to snoop around people, " the lady returned, to which he simply smiled. "Come on Kate. I saw someone unfamiliar walk into here and was just curious, "

Kate eyed him and turned her attention back to Safiyya. "Nice to meet you Sofiyya. I'm Kate. What brings you here?" she was curious because only those taking the test and other officials had the key to the class.

"I'm here for the test," Safiyya answered truthfully and the two were surprised. 

"Last time I checked,  the test has been going on for like….some time." Jerald held his hand behind him and leaned in a little stating his words.

"I know that," she replied calmly.

"It's suspicious but who are we to ask?" Kate shrugged and sat back in her chair.

Jerald nodded in agreement and held his wrist up, glancing at the time. "We will clarify in a few minutes. Everyone will be here then." he looked up at her and grinned.

Safiyya nodded and sat behind Kate. Jerald hummed and walked to the frontmost seat and sat down, closing his eyes.

Safiyya fiddled with her fingers and it was long as the others came in almost at the same time. They were twenty two and the weird suspicious gaze she got was justified. Nobody asked though and before they did, the interviewer, who was a tall man that looked in his thirties walked in.

"Good morning to you all," he smiled handsomely.

"Good morning Mr. Lex," the group answered.

He chuckled and said, "I see that you are all ready for the test." he scanned the class and his gaze landed on Safiyya. "Oh, let me introduce you to someone new. Come up, girl."

Safiyya stood up and walked up to him.

Mr. Lex explained to the class,
"You might all be wondering why she's here but the portal for the application in the department was still open but over the past days, no one has passed the test. She did and will be joining you for the final today."

The applicants were vividly surprised. The test left on the portal was hard but since someone passed, their talent was good.

Mr. Lex nodded at their understanding and looked at Safiyya. "You got the last spot and I hope that you do well in today's test. Everyone has gotten to know each other through past interactions. How about introducing yourself to the class?"

"Okay," Safiyya smiled and calmed her nervousness before facing the class.

Jerald suddenly spoke, "Feel free to brag about your school achievements. We are all freshers, so we will understand. "

Everyone laughed, lighting up the mood.

Safiyya smiled and said, "My name is Safiyya Suraj Pahnwar. I'm 20, a Muslim, a Pakistani and I graduated from the state national university with a first class. It's nice meeting you all."

Mr.  Lex clapped his hands and the rest followed suit. "That's a nice introduction. You can take your seat."

She smiled and went back to her seat. Many couldn't help but steal glances because the young lady was just cute and beautiful and her voice was like soft music.

"Alright, " Mr. Lex brought their attention back to the test. He picked up and tablet and connected it to the screen. "Today's test is going to take two hours. You will be reviewing a five-year budget plan and….." he gave them the tricky task and after they were done, everyone will present their concluding record at the end of the year.

"And let me remind you, you can't change the cost of anything but how the purchase and sales go within the years is yours to manipulate. Some might end up with a loss while some gain. It depends on what you do." Lex added and sat down. "You can start."

Safiyya laid down her materials and stayed quiet just like everyone else as they watched the paper displayed on the screen. Minutes later, she opened her tablet and got to work. She got to design,  calculate, and go on. This will be interesting.

They say that when you have your hands full, you don't realize how time passes.

"Ten more minutes to arrange your presentations! " Lex reminded them.

Ten minutes passed and everyone was done. He smiled and stood up. "Everyone has submitted and it's time for the presentation. We'll have it accordingly.  01."

Jerald stood up with his system and walked up. The presentation started.

Expect some drama in the next chapter.  Everything seems easy right? Oh no, I'm not wicked. Just saying🤭

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