17. I wont suffer alone.

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The other night after Alfred had asked about Nanny Lisa, he asked about the other task that he gave the investigator.

"I have the information that you need sir. I'll send them right away," the man replied. Alfred nodded and ended the call. A message came in immediately and opened it, reading everything keenly.

It showed info on Safiyya, from when she came to the States to date. Safiyya Suraj Pahnwar, joined the state national university at the age of sixteen and graduated with a first-class result, still unemployed even after passing several interviews for religious biases, lives with her former coursemate. She is on a terminating education visa which will be extended if she starts working and is given a permanent one after working for four years. The lady is still unemployed and the visa will soon expire. In her four years in the States, she has no criminal records, not even a fight.

Alfred kept reading the info with a slight frown. From this, he can see that Safiyya was a peace-loving and introverted Muslim. She just got caught up in Joseph's kidnapping but how they got close in a short time, he can't tell. It seems he has to keep an eye on her, lest she comes close to his son.

All he knows is that, even if she appears like a harmless being, he can never trust a Muslim!

Alfred kept his phone and returned it to his son. He stroked Joseph's soft hair silently. After what happened before, he had promised to protect his son the best that he could. Today was a mishap and he can't let it happen again. He can take care of him alone since everyone rejected him. He doesn't need a mother.

The following day, doctor Collins arrived and checked on Joseph. It's like the boy knew that crying was useless, so he just gave his father the cold shoulder all through. Alfred was worried but at least Joseph took his food and agreed to go to school.

He wasn't ready to hire a nanny yet and took care of Joseph himself for the next three days. Luckily it was the weekend, but all his efforts to make the boy smile were in vain.

Joseph would sit in the room with a gloomy expression and sometimes cry. Even when he asked, the boy just shouted that he wanted his mummy. This just made the hatred in Alfred's heart increase.

He then got the news that Safiyya applied for a job at Hill Corp. Oh really? Is she trying to get close to Joseph or just working? Since she has the guts to even come to his company, he will see to it that she 'enjoys' the stay.


Alfred dropped Joseph at school and watched as his son went in without saying goodbye. How long will this silent treatment go on?

He then drove to Hill Corp and entered his office. He looked at the time before smirking and zooming into the CCTV camera. He watched when Safiyya entered the company and when the test started.

She passed the online test, so this one should be easy, he mused. He can't help that she is smart but….

He immediately called his vice. The two offices weren't far from each other, so it took a few minutes before Irene arrived in the dimly lit office. She wondered why he loved the dark theme so much. This office was only lit when a meeting was going on inside.

"Good morning," she greeted with a smile and sat down in a chair before his desk.

"Morning Irene," Alfred returned, his eyes still pinned on his system. Irene was used to that attitude and crossed her legs.
"You called for me?"

"Yes," he finally raised his head. "Joseph got kidnapped the other day,"

"What?" Irene was visibly surprised. Who would do that? "Is he alright?", she asked concerned.

"He's good now but that kidnapping incident came with some troubles," he continued and told her what happened. Of course, he didn't mention Stone's name or that he lost his blueprint.

"How is that even possible? Are you sure that they never met before?" Irene asked skeptically.

"Yes," Alfred sighed. "Anyways, she caused some damage to my son and I'm not letting it slide. The girl just so happens to be in Hill Corp today," he added and turned the system to Irene. The camera was zoomed and Irene frowned seeing the beautiful lady. Her full, yet soft eyebrows were right as she tapped her cheek with her pen. Her pursed pink lips and those sparkling eyes just added to her beauty. Irene just felt a seed of jealousy buried in her heart.

Alfred turned the system back to himself,  bringing her out of reverie.

"I never expected that you would spy on beautiful ladies," she said with a faint smile.

Alfred just gave her a nonchalant look before saying, "Her name is Safiyya Suraj Pahwar." the pronunciation came out just well. "She wants to join the accounting team but I don't want her to have an easy time here."

"Just don't make her pass. Why go through all the trouble?" Irene shrugged.

Alfred looked up at her again and said, "This company won't do such a lowly thing and the test that all the employees take is fair and open. You just take her away from there to somewhere she will have to work extra hard."

"Wait. Me?" Irene exclaimed.

Alfred raised an eyebrow at her reaction. "Of course. Because I trust you to do a good job. If not, why will I be telling you all of these?"

Irene was boiling inwardly. So, he still doesn't trust her with his secret and here he is asking her to deal with a girl?
"I am the vice CEO of Hill Corp Alfred. You can't just make me do any miscellaneous work?" she said, clearly annoyed.

"Let's not fight over this Irene. I don't want anyone to know about this okay?" he returned calmly.

Irene kept her calm and smiled. She stood up and nodded. "I will do a good job," she said, putting more emphasis on her words.

Alfred simply hummed at her words. Irene scoffed and walked out. That girl should just wait.

Alfred reclined into his chair and closed his eyes. He knew why he chose Irene for the job. Now let the game begin. He can't suffer alone.

Let the game begin🤭

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