34. The Hollys.

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Since it was the weekend, Alfred wanted to spend some time with Joseph but found out that Irene still hadn't settled the case with the Hollys. He trusted her to arrange this but the clients were very tricky and Irene might let them get their way in. Time was slipping and he wanted this over with, so he decided to join the meeting they fixed again.

He got ready and checked up on Joseph but he was still sleeping. Alfred called Old Xav before leaving the house.

In an elegant street, an open restaurant sat with each table far away from each other. Currently, beside the railing sat Irene in a pink dress, her bob longer than before, looking as confident as always.

Her hand which was adorned with an expensive golden bracelet held the small teacup as she gazed at the smiling couple before her. Su Ying is a Chinese woman with straight black hair and a round face. She leaned against her husband, Bernard who was a blonde man with a full beard. Together they started their company and were a successful power couple.

They have managed to strike a deal with Hill Corp and the work is almost starting but they keep coming up with requirements. Irene didn't want to lose this deal and tried to clear it up quickly but these two were hard to break.

"Miss Irene. You have been dragging this out for a long time. Our proposal is perfect you know," Su Ying said sluggishly.

"Nothing is perfect Miss Su. Don't be too confident, " Irene returned calmly. Even if she was good at controlling her anger, this couple was getting on her nerves. She was trying not to snap, lest she lose the deal which would disappoint Alfred. No matter what, this should end today.

"This plan is perfect. You just have to agree," Su Ying returned.

"I should agree just because you say so?" Irene inquired.

Bernard spoke this time. "We have been very polite and patient with your company but if this keeps dragging out, I am afraid that we will have to back out,"

Irene clenched her fist under the table, her patience level almost snapping when she saw the figure coming behind the couple. Even though she was surprised, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"And why would you think that Hill Corp would be afraid of you backing out?" his deep voice inquired, startling the couple.

"Mr. Hill," Bernard uttered, narrowing his eyes as Alfred circled them and sat graciously beside Irene. He wore a milk-colored suit with a royal blue shirt underneath, looking handsome as ever.

Irene glanced at Su Ying who was gawking and slightly smirked. This woman has been rubbing her relationship in Irene's face and she found joy in the expression the fox has now in the presence of someone a thousand times better than her husband.

Bernard seemed offended by what Alfred said and returned, "We sincerely want to work with your company but it seems that you guys are taking us for granted,"

"Oh is that so?" Alfred raised an eyebrow and glanced at Irene who curled her lips. He turned to the couple and his facade became serious. "Your company sent a proposal and I read the contract. I found your idea appealing and signed the contract. Now that we are supposed to start the work, you want workers to join in the construction. I don't remember seeing that in the contract," he stated.

"I agree that it wasn't specifically stated, but both companies agree to assist each other in the work. What's wrong with our workers joining you?" Bernard replied.

Alfred smirked and said, "You must take me for a child Mr. Bernard. Every construction that takes place in Hill Corp is confidential and only my employees are involved. It's better if you forget about this,"

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