29. Seizure.

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It was a Friday, so Alfred planned on taking his son home today. He glanced at the time and immediately left his office. He stood in the elevator and he hesitated before pressing the number two. The door opened and he walked into the noisy corridor. No one was out yet since it wasn't 1 p.m. already.

He stopped by the filing room and pushed the door open, making sure that his facial was as stoic as ever. Loads of unfinished jobs made his brow curve upwards. It seemed like no one was inside until he caught sight of Gab lying on a stack of paper.

"What's going on here?" he asked which startled Gab. The man rubbed his eyes and rushed forward.
"Mr. Hill," he smiled awkwardly.

Alfred slipped his hands into his pocket and asked again, "Why is this office looking like no one is working here? And where is your assistant?"

Gab rubbed his head and answered, "Actually, for the past weeks, the workload in this office has been too much for us to handle. I usually have four assistants but now only me and Miss Safiyya do the work. Even though she is very hard-working, it's still hard. And now…its been two days since our system stopped working but even after complaining, no one came to repair it. We've been doing the recordings manually, taking up more time."

Alfred listened to this with his brows creased. He did ask Irene to make Safiyya work harder than she should but he didn't know that only she was here. And now their system was tempered with? He should feel happy about this but this doesn't feel right.

"Let me see the system," he said and walked over. He pulled his sleeves up and connected it to his wristwatch. It was in a matter of seconds and the system was back.

Gab smiled and thanked him.
"Where is Safiyya?" Alfred asked instead.

"That….she went for a break," Gab lowered his head and said. Alfred hummed and walked out.

Break? He scoffed and entered his car. She should have learned her lesson with this. He drove to the school and parked in the parking lot. He headed for the gate only to be surprised at what he saw.

The supposed person was arguing with another woman while his son was hidden behind her. From the way the woman pointed at his son, he figured out that she was scolding him and that made his temper throb. Luckily, Safiyya said something to the woman and she stomped away with her son only to run into Alfred.

Oliver's mother was given quite a fright by the look Alfred was giving her.

"What were you saying to my son?" he asked sternly

"I…I…" the woman stuttered. What kind of luck did she hit today? The mother just fought how and not scary father appeared.

"You became mute now huh? Leave my sight!" he hissed and she quickly pulled her son with her. Alfred clicked his tongue and his fist clenched at what was happening ahead.

He went closer to to duo and ordered her to let his son go but her response startled him.

Keep dreaming about it!

The words she said to him rang in his ears and that glare...Its been a while since someone spoke like that to him. Alfred glanced around and turned to Safiyya.

"I wouldn't create a scene if I were you. Now let go of my son," he said sternly.

"You can't scare me okay?" Safiyya scoffed and stood up with Joseph in her arms.

Alfred's jaws tightened and he came dangerously close to them.
"He is not your son, so you'd better hand him over before I do something to you," he warned.

Safiyya exhaled and returned angrily, "Is this how you enjoy talking to people, by threatening them? Even when your son is involved. You keep mentioning that he is your son but you don't know what is happening in his life. You don't know that he is being bullied and hurt in school. You, Sir Alfred, have no idea what I just witnessed but you have the mouth to rant that he is your son. A son that you are hiding from the world. What sort of father are you?!"

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