22. Her Ammi's voice.

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Today was the chief minister's daughter's wedding and Ruwaida was helping her daughter get ready for the walimah. Safiyya had her eyes closed with a peaceful smile as she sat in front of her Ammi, who was massaging her hair with olive oil.

"Ammi," she called out softly. 

"What is it beta?" Ruwaida asked with a smile.

"I don't feel like going out today. Can't we decline the invitation?" she asked with a pout.

Ruwaida shook her head wryly and replied, "When a Muslim extends an invitation to you, it is a duty to accept and the minister's daughter is the one getting married, so being the family of the community leader, we have to be there." she hummed and added, "Well unless someone wants to be scolded by her Abooh,"

"Oh no," Safiyya quickly shook her head and they laughed. Their laughter was broken as a woman barged into the room. Nesrin, Suraj's second wife, now dressed heavily in a dark blue gown with red jewelry and lipsticks gazed arrogantly at the duo.

"Wa alaikumussalam," Ruwaida stated and Safiyya couldn't help but muffle, earning a glare from her stepmother.

Nesrin harrumphed and raised her head high. "I was just making sure that you don't go to the walimah and disgrace this family. Look at Safiyya, not even a henna on her hands." she clicked her tongue and continued, "I will advise that you pick one of your old jewelry and make her wear it. Maybe then, a woman will take a liking to her and introduce her to her son."

"Thank you for the advice Nesrin but I believe that my daughter's marriage is my business," Ruwaida returned calmly.

"Hmmp. Suit yourself. Don't be late, " Nesrin hissed and walked out.

"I hate her," Safiyya pouted and stood up, giving her mother a twirl. "Ammi, your daughter might be small but I'm beautiful.  No doubt about that."

Ruwaida chuckled and stood up too. "Of course. You inherited your genes from the best," she said flipping her hair.

Safiyya laughed at her mother's humor and they continued dressing up. After adorning her baby pink gown, Safiyya wore her abaya over it and her hijab and niqab before going out with her mother.

At the walimah, Safiyya naturally felt the gazes she got from the women there. At the age of fifteen, girls started getting engaged in their community and as the leader's daughter, all eyes were on her. Of course, only those from reputable families dared to make comments.

Ruwaida didn't give them any positive thoughts until they left the walimah. Safiyya kept thinking of which school to apply to since her results were out but all universities were far away from their house. It won't be hard hiding the fact that she was schooling anymore and that would be a disaster.

Little did she know that the issue of her marriage had escalated. Safiyya woke up hearing her mother arguing with Nesrin over this matter. The whole community head was even pressuring her father about and her life took a bad turn as she was sure that her father would agree.

She cried her eyes out when her mother told her of the decision her Abooh took. He was sending her to a relative to get her ready for marriage. She just lost more trust in the man she called her father. It was only after she calmed down that Ruwaida told her what she was planning. 

Suraj will send her to another state and Ruwaida had spoken to her uncle who will secretly fly her out of the country to the states. Her aunt was over there and the woman was in support of female education. She will study there before everything calms down.

Safiyya was excited despite being sad to leave her mother with these people but Ruwaida assured her that she would be fine. She was just worried about how her daughter would fare out there.

That day before Safiyya left, Ruwaida held her closely and told her,
"The outside world is not all glitters beta, but no matter what happens, your mother will always be there. If you want an abode to hide in, just call me. I'm always a short distance away. For you."


"Ammi!" Safiyya broke into tears remembering her sweet mother. All the pains she had been feeling came rushing in like a tidal wave. It was never an easy journey for her. The hate speech, the degrading looks, and now….

She kept her head on her lap and cried for a long time. She finally wiped and tears and brought out her phone. Her fingers shook as she dialed her mother's number.

Safiyya felt like a bad daughter. Her mother, who hadn't seen her for almost four years never ceased to care and pray for her but she ignored her for two weeks. Even if she didn't want her to worry, shutting her off was worse.

She listened intently as the call went through and finally heard the voice she yearned for day and night.
"My Ammi!" she cried out, tears rushing down again.

"Ya Rabb. Safiyya, my sweet daughter!" Ruwaida exclaimed, almost not believing her ears. "What happened beta? Why are you crying?"

Safiyya bawled even more hearing this. Her mother didn't scold her but instead asked about her well-being. She felt even worse.
"Ammi, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I won't shut you off again," she apologized.

"Shh. Shh. It's okay. I forgive you dear," Ruwaida said softly.

"Jazakillahu Khair Ammi," Safiyya sniffed and wiped her face.

"Wa iyyaki. Now tell me what is it?" Ruwaida asked carefully. 

Safiyya forced a smile and returned, "Nothing much Ammi. I was finding it hard to get a job and that's why I hid it from you I didn't want to lie but I have one now and it's a good-paying job."

"Do they treat you well there?" Ruwaida inquired.

"Yes Ammi," Safiyya bit her lips. "You see, they gave me a new phone, an employment salary, a good working environment too. It's not easy working but I'll  work harder."

Ruwaida was quiet for a while before deciding to just tell her. "Safiyya?"

"Yes, Ammi," Safiyya blinked, knowing that something was off.

Ruwaida sighed and stated, "You still remember why your Abooh sent you away and it's been more than three years now. He's facing more pressure now and I don't think we can drag this any longer."

"But…But I just started working," Safiyya declared, freeing a wave of dizziness overwhelming her.

"I know beta but my hands are right too," Ruwaida said. "But don't worry much okay? You can stay there for another year but after that, you have to come back."

Safiyya was quiet as she contemplated this. Did she forget that as she is staying here, her Ammi is facing the pressure back at home? She got her education and even a job. That is enough for now.
"Okay, Ammi. I will do it,"

"I love you dear. Remember that," Ruwaida spoke softly.
"I love you too Ammi. A lot." Safiyya smiled.

"Don't forget to call me okay?"


Safiyya took in a deep breath and leaned her head on the bench. She closed her eyes when she sensed a car stop before her.

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