56. A deception can't be hidden for long.

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When given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for free, very few people in this world can resist it. Gina wasn't among them. Seeing Safiyya this morning was like seeing her working machine.

"I love your hard work, Miss Safiyya. You came early," Gina said with a fake that was easily detected.

"Thank you, ma'am," Safiyya still answered politely.

Gina cleared her throat and said, "I sent some files to you this morning. They are new that came in yesterday and we need to submit it by tomorrow. So I need you to get your fast hands working right away,"

"Yes," Safiyya nodded and Gina waved her hand for the young lady to leave. She heard the door click and stretched her arms in delight. Now, time for her to rest and let Safiyya do all the work while she checks them later and submits them.

Safiyya frowned slightly after checking the first file. This work was a multitask that required at least three people working on it. Not to mention that she has to make ledgers, calls, and emails. The printing and filing were on her too and there was even a slide and presentation that had to be made.

"What a good play," she muttered but smiled because only work like this would make her bring her potential out.

Sounds of heels clicked and hearing it close to her, she knew it was Ana. She raised her head and smiled, "Good morning Ana,"

"Good morning," Ana strained her reply. She couldn't help but speak, "You didn't work yesterday and left I thought you were sent back to your old department. But here you are. Still in this desk,"

Safiyya was amused and surprised inwardly but she just shrugged. "I am here to work Ana," she said and went back to typing.

"Don't act mysterious when you aren't doing anything," Ana scoffed and sat in her chair. Safiyya exhaled and focused on her work.


"Please confirm if that's the price that was sent to you in the invoice. Yes. Send me a photocopy. Thank you," Safiyya finished a phone call and waited shortly and the document was sent. It really was different. The price the client paid was less than what was in her hands and they claimed that was what was sent in the invoice. After confirming, she apologized and decided to speak to Mrs. Gina before doing anything else.

"The problem might be from the sales office. Send a complaint and they will fix it," the woman told her.

"What about the client? They already paid for it," Safiyya argued calmly.

Gina stilled because she knew this could cause a problem. "You know what? Deal with this trouble yourself. Speak with the secretary or something and try to come to better terms with the client. This is your job if I recall,"

Safiyya nodded and left. She sat down and breathed. This issue will delay her work and mess up the calculations. It took an hour to clear the doubts between both parties and she thanked Allah that the clients admitted their faults too. Everyone was gone for the lunch break, so she stood up and went to pray before going to the cafeteria.

Safiyya had lunch on her desk while working slowly. Looking at the time, she called Old Xav and informed him to pick up Joseph. There was food from yesterday so she didn't have to worry. Of course, they had a long call with her son before she kept working. When it was almost 7, Gina informed her that she could take the work home or continue tomorrow.

Ana was surprised at the seriousness that her deskmate had been on since morning. She can't help but believe that Safiyya was working with the contact paperwork, calls, and movements. She still refrained from asking.

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