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if i make this a groupchat with my roommate, we could literally be 'a girl, a gay, and a they'

honestly that would be my peak in life

i'm not actually gay lmao

just homie-sexual

i just stared at my screen for five minutes in disbelief

you lied to me, florida man !!! :(

my most used app is reddit

i'm so sorry for my sins

not the incel app 😔🤚

dear god

does nick know ???

of course nick knows about my 'habits'

i already told you we've known each other for nine years nick an incel too ?

i think i'm going to cry

my life has been ruined

you've had two convos with me

you'll be fine

how dare you look down on our love

now that nick's out of the way, nothing can stop us

even though i don't know what you look like

at least you're american and not british

i was raised to hate the british and their fucking tea and crumpets

oh my dearest beloved, i'm afraid i bear bad news

you see, nick and i have another best friend

don't you dare finish that

and he was born and raised
in england

get the holy water and cross

you need your exorcism asap

i'll start singing Amhrán na bhFiann

you'll feel its power from here

you definitely just key smashed

you've just lost yourself st. patrick's day privileges, florida man

wait no no no no

i just got old enough to celebrate it legally :(

don't take that away from me

shouldn't the irish be supporting my ability to black out ? huh?

you got me there

haha yes !

just burn a union jack, and you're free to go

where am i supposed to find a union jack in orlando

you'll figure it out if you're desperate enough

nick too

he hasn't escaped this punishment

he's not old enough to drink yet

still 19

lmao loser

he's losing lucky charms privilege then

nick is not pog, confirmed

wtf is pog

hold on, i'm urban dictionary-ing this bitchplay of game ???

what does that even mean?

how is nick not play of game ?


how do you think houston nick would react if i texted him saying he was not pog
would he cry? or laugh? i can't tell if its an insult or compliment

it's been forty minutes, i'm the one crying now

my roommate's at work, i have nothing to do

you have failed me, florida man >:(

i shall never trust you again

wait nooooooo

ahaha hey mamas

well now you're just getting blocked

please don't block me florida woman

i was on the phone with nick

...and british boy

you disgust me

would it make you feel better if i told you british boy was colorblind

serves him right

how dare he have the audacity to support england's endeavors

i am openly anglophobic

entire countries rightfully are

yes, yes. how dare they even exist.

wots up bruv ?

up for a pint, luv xx ?

it's chewsday, innit ?

i can feel your hatred through the screen

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