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so gertrude, tell me, does this hospital dress of mine have a back?

or is my ass just out and proud

it's been two days please let it go

you know i can't do that

i'm your poor sick lover

can i break up with you

no, as a matter of fact, you cannot


because you love me too much

you'd miss me terribly

i might let you come running back into my arms, i haven't decided yet

how very generous of you, sir

thank you

i know, i know

you still haven't shown up at my bedside in a little candy striper uniform

this isn't some porno

ugh don't remind me </3

fuck off

i hate you so much

this is why nick is my favorite

oh so vou'll dress up for nick ??? >:(

absolutely not

besides, why aren't you dressing up for me ?

this should go both ways

sorry i didn't know hospital gowns really did it to you

i'll make sure to flaunt some leg later

how saucy

do you think you could spoon feed me jello ? that's gotta cross off something on your bucket list

i don't have a bucket list

really? you don't have a bunch of things you want to do before you die ?

i wanna live a pinterest board life

but that seems unachievable

especially for living in orlando

i think the last expensive meal i had was at Medieval Times, and they don't even have cutlery there

at least you got your dinner and a show

even if the show was minimum wage workers fake jousting

i got drunk on something neon blue and got a paper crown, so the night was a win

sounds magical

not as magical as you nursing me back to health, but still magical nonetheless

you're not even hurt, shut up

let me live this down

yes i am

i have an owie right on my lips

it needs your magic kissies

are you four ?

i don't think you'd kiss a four year old, so no

im not a creep

i know, that's why i said you wouldn't

when did you get more chaotic than me

i don't like it

go back to giving me one word answers

i was used to that

i am a beautiful butterfly and you cannot force me back into my cocoon

no matter how hard you try

i wouldn't dare

i want you to fly

away from you ? :(


why would you even suggest that

it sounded like you were implying it

i don't imply things

i say them right out in the open

like i had a bad day because i saw a cow and almost pissed myself

where did you see a cow

drew's mom bought us a couple sessions of goat yoga at wildflower farm

i foolishly thought there would only be goats

were the goats cute

they're the only kids i don't hate


and you didn't send me any pictures ?

i was a little busy trying not to become one of your pissbabies while doing a headstand

there's no shame in that


ok so there's only a little shame in that

i'm never going anywhere in public with you

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