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lol add my ig @ ******* if any more of y'all ever wanna dm me about cliffhangers again...;)

*hint hint wink wink*
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i need to talk to you about something


what's wrong ???

you do know i'm not actually flirting with your friends right

i don't like alex or nick like that, it's all just jokes

yeah. i know.

sorry, it's just you brought it up last week and i got off topic

that's been making me feel guilty :(

we can set boundaries if you'd like

they're your friends too now

you can say whatever you'd like to them

not at the expense of making you uncomfortable

that's not worth it for like a text back

i'm closest to you, i don't want to jeopardize this over something silly

that was actually sweet of you

yeah and i'm never doing it again

hold on, i'm definitely gonna screenshot it

treasure it forever

seriously though, i know i can be a bit much

thank you for putting up with me for these past couple of months

believe it or not, i actually enjoy your conversation

it's nice to just talk about whatever we want whenever we want, without a care

you're one of my stress relievers

well look who's being cute now

don't ruin the moment gertrude

it's officially ruined now that you called me gertrude

i think that just made it sweeter, idk about you

but i'm feeling 22

sorry i couldn't help it

it's alright, i'm used to you doing that type of thing :)

it's lovely

your 22nd birthday is coming up actually

you'll be the same age as karl

shut up about karl

shut up about karl

shut up about karl

this is about you and me

ma'am yes ma'am

thank you for taking my feelings into consideration

i know i sounded like a prick last time i brought it up

just a little bit

no, no, it was like a territorial thing i think

like i had you first, so they can't steal you away

so i'm yours 😏😏😏 ?


but not like that


that's not pog


all grown up now

im literally older than you

only by like five months

they were the best five months of my entire life

nick and alex can have you, idc anymore

but i don't want themmmm

i want you.

everyone wants me, you're not special

i like to think i am

besides, weren't you just caveman claiming me

i'll cut up my receipt so you can't return me

i wouldn't "dream" of it ;)

nvm please return me asap

you know you love it


that's a secret i'll never tell. you know YOU love ME. xoxo, gossip girl.

i've literally told you i love you


still counts

and when i called you my rich wife, i said i loved you then too

that was a joke though

yeah lol

anyways, thanks for making me almost shit myself with your ominous opening text message

i have to go stream with gogy

i'll be watching :)

even though i can't stand the british mf with chapped lips you call a friend

the things you endure for me <3

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