24. Truth or Dare

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Who's your current favourite book boyfriend?


The trip came to its end. Tonight was our last night in this forest, tomorrow we'll go back to the city.

Secretly I enjoyed this trip, even though I couldn't make any friends like I wanted but my friendship with my current friends got stronger. The awkward air which was present between Ben and I was blurring away. And I did talk with new people or should I say I tried to talk with new people?

Doesn't matter, what matters the most is that I enjoyed this trip.

Everyone gathered in front of the bonfire which was blazing brightly, Brittany sat besides me and we sang along with others girls as a boy played guitar. My eyes moved around to  search for someone, I tsked in disappointment as I couldn't find him.

"Over there", Brittany nudged me and pointed at the left side. Far away stood Ben and Kevin, drinking and talking about something.

Feeling my gaze he turned his head towards me , I looked away for a second before smiling back at him. Before he could react Kevin took hold of his arm and dragged towards us.

"Hey Bi",Kevin chirped as he jumped in front of me. Ben rolled his eyes at his best buddy's playfulness.

"Hey, Kev",I greeted back with same enthusiasm. But the thing I got in return was a hard cheek pull. "Ouch!"

"You're so cute",he continued to pull my cheeks and only stopped when Ben punched him. "Finally someone gave me a nickname. Ben, you never call me by any sweet names".

"I don't call anyone by nicknames",he declared. I narrowed my eyes in disbelief.


But I didn't voice it out. Just wait till I prove your over confident statement wrong, Mr. Bee.

"Guys, guys, guys",we all turned towards the person who called us. " We've all gathered over there to play truth or dare, would you like to join us?"



Ben and I answered followed by Brittany and Kevin, then turned to look at each other. Both of them gave us disappointed looks.

"Don't mind them",Kevin said to the girl. "They're just introverts , we'll love to join you".

"Ok",the girl smiled at Kevin and walked away.

My eyes stayed on Brittany as her mouth turned into ugly frown as she glared at Kevin, he finally noticed her stare and stopped smiling. His brows raised in question.

"We'll love to join you", Brittany mimicked Kevin words and started walking ahead. " Hehehe, we'll love to join you".

"I don't sound like that", Kevin rushed behind her.

"I don't sound like that", Brittany and Kevin continued their bickering till we reached the bonfire. Ben rolled his eyes and walked closer to me.

My steps slowed a little as I watched the number of people gathered for the game. This many people in the game of truth or dare, there are high chances of things going wrong.

"It's fine if you don't want to join", Ben placed a assuring hand on my shoulder. Glancing ones again at the crowd I shook my head.

"It's fine. It's just a game", I breathed out. He didn't seem convinced by my answer but also didn't say anything.

"Okay everyone, please take your seat",the girl from earlier said.

Brittany grabbed my hand and we all sat in a big circle. Ben sat on the other side of me, there was just inches between us-- fine I said it too early as a boy named Kevin erased that distance too.

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