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Ben's POV

After entering the password I walked inside the mansion slowly , trying not to make any noise . I took out my phone for flashlight but it was not charged, I stumble to the table and let out a curse. 

"Ben is that you? ", aunt Alia's voice came.

Shit. She is here.

" Yes, it's me", I replied back.

Few lights went on and she walked towards me. Great, now she'll start asking me questions.

"Are you hungry? ", She smiled softly. The last thing I ate was the pastry given by my stalker, so yes I was hungry.

It was sounding worse in my head. Instead of ignoring the stalker I was accepting the gifts and even enjoying the letters from that dangerous person.

" Come", her hand came to mine when I didn't answer and took me towards the dinning room.

I sat there as she walked towards the kitchen, after few minutes she came back with a plate. My mouth instantly water at the sight of it.
I ate silently not wanting to say anything.

"How is your college going on? "

What should I tell her? That I hardly pay attention in my lectures. Most of the time I am zoned out or doing sketches. I doubt if I'll be able to even graduate.

"It's fine", I lied filling my mouth with food.

She hummed in response.

" It's ok to be weak in studies", her words seems to lifted a burden off my shoulder. At least someone here thinks that studies are not important.

"Not everyone thinks like that"

"You can't change everyone's thinking. There are people who have achieved success without graduating and one of them is your grandfather", my body went stiff at his mention.

My grandfather, Marcus Martino, one of the most famous Italian man across the world. Not only by terror but also by respect, even though he did illegal work he spend most of his money on charity. He had a good image in public, being a Mafia it's not easy to handle so much attention but he did.

He is a true inspiration, my grandfather was the only child so from the beginning the burden was on him. He never got to enjoy his childhood maybe that's why he used to force me to play instead of studying.

Whenever we went to Italy I would spend most of my time with him. My grandmother died few years before I was born, grandpa loved her alot.

Few months before Dad's death he passed away. That's why it hurted so much, I lost both the father figures I had.

"You know Mason didn't mean what he said", aunt Alia said. I knew this was coming.

She is his wife, no matter what aunt Alia will always support him. Sometimes I think how they are together? Uncle Mason is so rude, she is so sweet.

" How do you handle him? ", I asked.

She chuckled before responding, " It was difficult at first as he barely talked to me but as we started to know each other, it became easy for both of us. He is not that bad as you think, he wants best for you"

"And who is he to know best about me? ", I snapped. " He doesn't give damn about me, he doesn't even care about my happiness. He just wants me to follow Theo like a puppy and follow his command. "

She didn't say anything further so I just placed the plate in the kitchen and went to my room .

Bianca's POV

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