13. The Past

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I walked towards the bus stop and waited the for the bus to come as usual. It's irritating to go by bus sometimes, specially when you are already late.

Uncle Mason had gifted me a car on my birthday last year but I refused to use it. I prefer to use local vehicle then his gift and interesting fact is that it wasn't even my birthday. It was three day after my birthday but I didn't correct anyone.

As I entered the college I remembered that Kevin is not going to come today as he doesn't have any important lecturer. Great, now I'll have to spend all day alone.

This is just beginning.

Just few months then Kevin will leave me and again I will be all alone. I don't have any future plans but I have decided to move from New York after my graduation and do a fresh start.

All my lectures went blur as I couldn't understand a single word. Study is not my thing. I slept for most of the time and no one woke me.

As it was lunch break I went towards the football ground which was empty. I sat under a large tree and took out a book to draw some tattoo designs.

After sometime I felt a presence besides me, I looked up and saw the 'library girl'. It's been around a week since I last saw her in cafe, I thought she will forget me but she seems to have different idea.

"Hi", her voice came out as a low whisper.

I ignored her and focused on my tattoo, as she didn't get any response from me she sat besides me. I looked up and saw a smile on her face, there was much space between us but still I could smell her sweet fragrance.

" What do you want? ", I asked annoyed by her drama.

Her body flinched at my sudden voice, there was visible fear on her face and it was burning my heart with guilt.

" I want to help you", she said in low voice.

I scrunched my eyebrows at her. I looked away not wanting to hurt her anymore, I thought that she will go away after getting silent treatment from me. But I was wrong.

She opened her bag and removed a tiffin, as she opened it my mouth watered. It wasn't something delicious, in fact it was simple peanut butter sandwich but as I was really hungry it was like a feast for me. She offered it to me, I wanted to decline it but my stomach had some other ideas. I took the sandwich and started eating it slowly.

We sat there in silence for as long as I can remember. She wasn't being nosy today which is something new, she was just looking around trying to catch everything in nature. Her eyes met mine but I didn't move my gaze.

"How can I help you? ", she asked.

For the first time I wasn't feeling uncomfortable with anyone, the silence was the most beautiful part of today. I will never admit it but it felt nice, the smile on her face and peanut butter sandwich.


I threw my backpack over my shoulder and ran towards the ground.

"Bianca, where are you going? ", Brittany asked following me.

" Actually i.. I.. Need to use washroom ", I lied.

" Ok but come fast ", she said.

Most of the time she is busy during lunch time but today she was free, I am still not comfortable in telling her everything.

I walked towards the same tree and saw hoodie guy sitting . It's been few days since I first came here but still there is no improvement. He doesn't speak a word to me, he only eats the sandwich and draws tattoo in his notebook. But I need to be patient.

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