28. Dinner & Tattoos

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Happy ending or sad endings??


Kevin's POV

" It seems like coming late runs in your family."

Brittany turned her head towards me and gave me a sharp eye, I immediately looked away and surrender my hand before she starts throwing her words at me.

" Unexpected guests are the worst," I grumbled stretching my arm behind the chair.

A smirk appeared on her face," Not all Unexpected guest are bad. Many of them of them are actually nice and they fill your life with love and support. "

" Which unexpected guest are you talking about?" I narrowed my eyes as the smirk only increased. But before she could reply the worst unexpected guest entered.

" Mom," Bree stood up from her place going for a hug but her mother stopped her and took seat in front us.

The resemblance between Brittany and her mother started with the brunette hair and ended there. Other than hair they didn't share anything in common. Her mom was tall, skinny with sharp cheekbones while Bree was rather shorter and chubbier.

From the talk of Bree I knew that her mother wasn't someone who loved her or supported her, so I wasn't going to be friendly towards her. In fact, the only reason I'm here is for the girl sitting besides me. Otherwise I don't intend to meet a person like her ever in my life.

Those green eyes gave me a head to toe scan and then scowled.

" Is this all you could get?"

This bitch.

If it wasn't for Brittany's hand holding mine I would have jumped on her or said something I would regret my whole life.

With my handsome look I can surpass any model I want. I had everything a girl for in her man- 6 feet height, 6 pack abs, perfect biceps and not to forget the tattoos and piercings. Girls practically drool over me, they even call me young David Beckham for godsake. And this woman. . .

What she just said was offensive, no woman has ever treated me like that. She really needs to get her eye checkup.

" That blonde guy at the party was better than him, what happened to him?" She asked folding her hands.

Was she talking about Cole?

That bastard. Shouldn't he exit our love story by now?

" There was nothing between us," Brittany immediately said and gave me a nervous glance. " Mom, Kevin is a nice guy--"

" Whatever, I don't care if he's nice or not," She stopped her midway. This rude woman. " What does your family do? What do you do? By the look of you I can already predict that you're not someone from our background. So tell me, how did you trap my daughter?"


I placed my hand over Brittany's to stop her. This was about me and my family so I'm going to answer it myself.

" My Dad owns a small footwear shop while Mom works as a teacher, I'm from a middle class family. I'm a third year student in software engineering and I do part-time work as a tattoo artist."

When I completed my description I expected Brittany to have same look as her mother. She wasn't wrong, I was nowhere near her standards, I was just an ordinary guy far from her class.

To my surprise she was looking at me with great pride, her fingers caressed mine and she intertwined them together.

"You're seriously dating this guy," she didn't even try to hide the disgust in her voice. " Leave it, just tell me did you meet that surgeon or not?"

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