19 . Makeover

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"Bianca please. It's been a week ", Brittany whined while shaking my shoulder.

I ignored her and kept reading the book, she has been forcing me to go out for the last two days. But I don't want to. I just don't feel like doing anything these days.

It's been a week since I last talked to Ben, after that night he has been ignoring me. Whenever I tried to approach him he just changed his way, he doesn't even sit on his usual place during break. I feel like he's throwing me out of his life. Somewhere in the back of my mind I expected it because he needed  time to process, there are chances that he didn't want anyone to know about his mental condition.

But how do I explain this to my poor heart?

"Bianca please. Just for an hours, then you can come back. Please", Brittany pleaded. " Stop thinking about Ben. That guy clearly doesn't care about you so stop being sad for him"

That's the problem, I can't stop feeling for him no matter what he does to me or how much he distance himself from me.

"Fine", I replied shocking her, I think it's time I enjoy myself a little and hopefully forget about Ben.

" Yes! Thank you bi. I will do your complete makeover ", she yelled.

" Wait wait wait. Where did this makeover come from? ", I asked narrowing my eyes.

" Bi, please"

I signed in defeat knowing I can never win against her.

"I bought a beautiful dress for you. Just wait", few minutes later Brittany handed me a yellow short dress.

" Wow it's beautiful ", I exclaimed.

It looked quite expensive, but Brittany told me that I don't have any option so I had to wear it.

She started putting cream, powder all over my face. I begged her to stop doing that much but she just shushed me, the nervousness was running through my vein. I feel like she is making me Harley Quinn, I swear everyone is going to laugh at me.

"Bree, you didn't tell me about the anniversary party",I stared at the lipstick she removed. The contrast between our makeup products were eye widening. "Like how did it went? Did you parents bother you?"

"They don't bother me anymore",she started painting my lips with some coral shade of lipstick. "But the party went better than I expected".

My head turned towards her in a swift," Did you meet a boy?"

She hit me on the head making me wince," Sit still. And we'll talk about it after the party I'll tell you everything in detail".

"Why not now?", I huffed and crossed my arms. " I wanna know".

"Come on wear it", Brittany commanded. " Don't be a baby, Bianca. I promise I'll tell you everything once we come back".

I nodded and wore that tight dress, I was surprised that she knew my size. The dress fitted me perfectly, I couldn't wait to see myself.

" Wow, you look amazing ", Brittany gasped and hugged me.

I looked at the mirror and my mouth went wide, she was right: I looked amazing.

I look so hot and sexy but more than anything I  look more mature, the makeup made me look even more beautiful. For the first time I didn't look like a child . Everything was perfect, the dress looked elegant and hugged my body like a second skin.

For some reason I want Ben to see me like this. I sighed shaking those thoughts away from my head, I'm going to enjoy the party without thinking about him. I'll do it for myself.

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