29. Revelation

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Question of the day:
Which is your favourite movie of all time?


Bianca's POV

A rabbit?" Kevin scrunched his nose.  " Your favourite animal is Rabbit. I didn't know that."

"It's a Bunny," he caressed the tattoo tenderly, making me gulp.

"Bi , are you fine?" Brittany asked quietly.

I nodded my head, not being able to speak," Can I go back?"

"Why? The dinner has just started. " She placed a hand on my forehead. " Why are you sweating?"

Wiping my forehead I noticed the other three boys glancing at us.

"I'm fine. I'll just go back," I said while taking my things. If I stayed with him for another moment I'll probably cry or end up slapping him on his birthday.

" Bii, let me drop you off," Chase suggested.

"No it's fine, I'll take the taxi." without waiting for their reply I rushed away. Ignoring the mumbles behind me. With my block heels I walked as fast as I could and reached outside the hotel.

Finally, I placed a hand on my chest and rubbed it as the throbbing ache started arising. Wiping the wetness beneath my eyes I took deep breaths. My throat clenched as again that tattoo came into my view.

A small sob left my mouth.

Frantically I looked around for a taxi to just leave this place and be away from him right now.

"Bunny," I heard a low voice behind me.

His voice alone was enough to bring me to my knees. I was waiting for this thing to happen but now that it's happening I don't have the courage to accept him.

So, I did the most stupid thing I could do.

I ran.

"Bianca stop!" He shouted as he took steps closer.

I ran faster.

" For god's sake, bunny stop!" My feet momentarily stopped but then I continued to run again.

"Ahh!" I yelled in shock as his arm circled around my waist and he pulled me into his chest. " What do you want?"

" Just listen to me," he begged in my ear, making me shiver at the vibration.

" We'll talk tomorrow." I grabbed his hands to pull them away but he didn't move an inch, instead his hand tightened even more.  " Just let me go!"

"Bunny, you're making me do things I don't want to," he whispered softly like he wasn't threatening me or holding me like some hostage. " Please just hear me out. "

The tone of his voice almost made me forget about the things that happened. Looking into his desperate blue eyes  brought water in my own. An uncomfortable expression came on his face as he stared into my eyes which made me instantly look away.

" Taxi," I called as a taxi neared us but before I could do anything else I was being held upside down. " Ben, put me down!"

Gasping in shock I grabbed his shoulder, still not believing that this stupid idiotic man had thrown me over his shoulder like Mr. Candyfloss.

I kept punching his back but it didn't do any effect to him, he walked towards the parking area in his glory without caring about the looks we got.

" Bunny stop moving," he gripped my hip making me shiver at that touch.

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