5. Her First Party

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What kind of fictional man do you like?
A: Soft and caring one
B: Dark and Possessive ones


Breath in. Breath out.

Everything is going to be fine. Just stay calm. Relax.

I kept telling myself to remain calm but it was impossible to be calm.

First time in my life I was going to a party without even informing anyone. Of course I can't tell my family that I am going to a party on the first day of my freedom. My Dad will immediately come here and take me back if he got to know, I can't even tell Shawn about it.

As I came back after a long walk behind that hoodie guy , I thought I will get some sleep . But Brittany had some other plan, she wants to go to a party .

I am not interested in parties and drinks but she made a sad face and I couldn't refuse to her.

I looked at my reflection, the black tshirt I wore had covered my upper arm and the red skirt reached till my knees. I didn't put any makeup , because to be honest I can't even apply a lipstick properly.

My hair were natural as I can't do anything to my short hair. Sometimes I feel bad for having short hair but at least they don't irritate me. I had my Mom's blonde hair and her hazel eyes, Shawn had Dad's brown hair and dark eyes. He is really jealous of my hair, even though he manages to get half of the girl population wherever he goes.

We both are so different, I am a shy girl who likes to locked up in room and he is a carefree boy who can't stay at home for one hour. He is the only person whom I tell everything, because he never judges me, he always supports me. I feel guilty for not informing him.

I took my phone and called.

"Hey biii... ", his boomed as soon as he answered the call.

I pulled my phone away from ear at his loud voice. " Hey Shawn ", I greeted.

" So are you enjoying ? "

"It's just one day, how can I enjoy "

"Yaa, what are you doing right now? "

"Actually Shawn... I... I am going to a party", I admitted nervous.

He remained silent for few seconds but then shouted, " Are you serious?! ", I licked my lips nervously.

" Yaa, my roommate was forcing me and I couldn't say no. But I'll only spend 2 hours"

"Bianca you are not serious right? You can't trust your roommate. It's just your first day. You are not going end of discussion", he said in warning tone.

Tears threated to fall from my voice, he never talks to me like that. I thought he wanted me to go out and enjoy.

" Ok, I won't go", I said in low voice

"Bianca. Please don't be upset with me. I just want you to be safe, you are miles away from us in a complete new state. I am not even there for you. You can go to party after few months but not know", He said in soft voice.

I nodded my head.

" Bi, I can't hear your nods", I chuckled at his words.

"Ok, I won't go", I said and ended the call.

I sat on my bed and wiped the tears, just then door opened Brittany came.

" Bianca what happened? Why are you crying? ", she panicked and sat besides me.

" My brothers didn't allow me for party", I said in low voice. I feel bad that she'll have to go alone.

"Ohh", she voice came out. " It's ok. We'll watch movie or play game"

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