34. Christmas with family

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" Shawn, stop it!" I shouted in annoyance as he kept poking me.

It's been 3 days since I came back home and my lovely brother has made it his mission to irritate and make me feel helpless. In his words, it's his way of showing love. But I know he just wants to torture me.

" What happened Bi?" He asked innocently while wrapping his hand around my shoulder and pulling me into a bone breaking hug. " I missed you so much!"

" Ahhh! You're hurting me!" I pushed him with my elbow but he barely gave me any space to move. " Dad! Shawn is again bullying me!"

" You little monster! You call my love bullying!" He hissed. " You should start reading dark Romance books to understand this kind of love. "

" Eww no, I'm happy with the kinds of books I read," I scrunch my nose at this smirk. I guess he's still obsessed with dark Romance books and wants to try them too. But I read once and I knew that genre is not made for people like me.

" Kids! Let's open our presents!"Mom called us and we practically leaped off the couch. I shuffled on my long PJs and sat beside my dad who didn't waste any time cuddling me in his arms.

" I'll open first!" Shawn rubbed his hand together and started opening them.

Mom gifted him a pair of jeans and a t-shirt but it was dad's gift that brought a big smile on his face. He jumped and gave a tight hug to him which in return made me slip away from his arm. I felt two soft hands around my arm as my mom pulled me into her chest.

Shawn kept admiring those sports shoes, the one he wanted for months and then finally opened my gift. He gasped and this time leaped on me for a hug.

" I love you, baby sis!"

He squished my cheek with his and I had to practically push him away to breathe. He went back to enjoy his set of books that we were eagerly waiting for.

Then it was my turn to open the gifts. The first was a gift from my Dad which was a beautiful journal with customised cute pictures and also a family picture. For the last time I gave him a long hug before opening mom's gift. A big smile appeared on my face as I stared at the big teddy bear.

" Mom! Thank you so much! I really needed this," I said while pulling her into a hug.

Since the day I gifted Ben Candyfloss I wanted to have a teddy bear and now I finally own one. I can't wait to show this to Ben and this time he'll be the one to name it. I smiled as the picture started forming in my mind of me, Ben and our teddies.

The clicking of the finger broke my thought, I looked up only for Shawn to shove his gift on my face and then sit back into his place again. My eyes narrowed as I watched him twitching with his finger.

If he gifted me something ridiculous then I'll beat him for real and never talk to him.

" Shawn! How did you even find it?!" I couldn't help but shout as I unwrapped the pink paper.

He gave a careless shrug like it wasn't that huge. His eyes widened as he saw my tears and within a second he pushed dad and took me in his arms. From the corner of my eyes I watched dad throwing daggers at him through his eyes but he stopped maybe due to mom.

" I thought you wanted to read this book," he asked, getting confused by my reaction.

I sniffed and let out a small chuckle," I do. But how did you get it? It only released a week ago and it's sold out at most places. And its price is also too much. "

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