23. Jump in Waterfall

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After waking up, the first thing I noticed as I came into my senses was the softness under my palm, tightening my hand around it I pulled it closer and the softness made me want to squish it.

I opened my eyes and saw it was not some object, it's Bianca. She was soundlessly sleeping in my arm without any worries, her lips curled into a cute pout which in return brought a smile on my face, her hands circled around my waist and pulling me closer in the same way I was. Her soft hair were wild, I moved my hand to put a strand behind her ear and massaged her head gently.

That's when I noticed that I didn't get any nightmare last night, which is quite surprising as I rarely get night free from nightmare. It was a lame idea but maybe her presence took all my nightmare away.

It was still early in the morning so I decided to let her sleep but  remained awake and continued to admire her. I took my phone which was under my pillow and clicked few pictures of her. She looks so cute while sleeping , so peaceful even as the drool comes out of her mouth.

After few minutes Bianca woke up and immediately straighten up seeing our position. She mumbled a 'sorry' and went back to her tent.

My fist curled up as I stopped myself from grabbing her. It didn't sit well me with that she was running away from me just after our peaceful moment. I want her to be comfortable with me, but I also understand that we have a long distance to cover before that happens.

After changing my clothes I walked towards Kevin as I had no idea where to go.

Kevin refused to tell me where we are going, I kept on walking till I can remember and stopped as I saw  people shouting and screaming with joy . What's so amazing there?

I moved ahead and my eyes went wide, it's a fucking waterfall.

I snapped my head at Kevin who gave me a careless shrug and patted my shoulder before walking to his new crush, Brittany. I don't know what's going on between them but Brittany is a sweet girl and Kevin is an idiot but a nice guy nonetheless so I hope that whatever they have just works out.

Back to the view in front of me, the waterfall is no doubt amazing and chilling but going inside it won't be that great.

Before I could think properly I saw people going up and diving in water. I felt a presence besides me and even with my closed eyes I could recognize her with that sweet smell.

"Come on let's go", she said excitedly. I guess she likes swimming. She looked back at me as I made no move. " What happened? "

"Nothing I just don't like swimming", I hesitately told her, which was partially truth.

" Why? Are you scared of water? ", she asked. I shook my head in no.

Before I could register what is happening I was on the top of waterfall, all thanks to the pretty girl besides me who dragged me here.

" Come on. Let's jump together ", she said with a big smile.

I looked around me and started feeling conscious about my body, most of the boys were well-built with muscular body and abs . On the other hand I had this skinny body with no trace of abs. What if Bianca doesn't like it? I have never felt this uncomfortable before, my uncle really did a great job in humiliating me so much that I was embarrassed about my own body.

" Ben", Bianca snapped her finger breaking my thoughts. "What happened? "

"Nothing. You go, I can't come. ", I said.

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