"Why do you hang out with that special needs kid?" Tara questioned as she sat down at the lunch table. Her friends and baylen were already there.

"G and I are friends." Baylen replied, bitting into his hamburger. "At this rate, your popularity is gonna go down to zero." Tara told him.

"Good, people will leave me alone." Baylen said , "George's pretty smart. I mean, he got the same answers as baylen." Ben spoke up.

"It's homework. We're all supposed to have the same answers because we had the same paper." Baylen told him.

"G is a good kid. Leave him alone, alright? He's not harming anyone." He added

"He's harming your popularity." Baylen groaned, "who gives a shit? I don't." He stood up.

"I'm gonna head off or whatever." He walked away and out of the lunch room.

Baylen walked down the hallway before he smiled as he spotted George. "Sup, G. What'cha doing?"

George walked past him, and baylen frowned before turning around and walking beside George.

"Something happened, G? Did someone tell you something? You can tell me," baylen told him

"Why are you nice to me, bay? No one else is?" George questioned, lifting his head to look at baylen.

"That's cause everyone else is a jerk. Did someone say something to you?" Baylen questioned

"Tara said I should stop hanging out with you." Baylen scoffed under his breath.

"Don't listen to her, alright? You and me? We're friends, and we're gonna be friends forever, got it?" Baylen told him

"But we're different." George said ,"extacly! We are different! But that doesn't change the fact that we're friends, G. You see, I like different things and you like different things but we're still friends because we want to be friends,"

"You can't let people rule your life. You can't let people decide who you can be friends with. I definitely don't. I mean, I'm friends with Ben, and you know how much an asshole he could be." Baylen said, and George chuckled

"He's nice to me, though." Baylen smiled and ruffled George's hair. "Yeah, cause he's your friend, but he also steals your kit-kats when you're not looking."

George gasped ,"he does!" Baylen nodded ,"he's such a jerk." Baylen laughed

"Come on, you want something from the vending machine?" He questioned, throwing an arm over George shoulders.

"Chocolate?" Baylen grinned, "chocolate it is."
- -
"Hey, bay, what are you doing later?" Chad questioned coming up to the teen.

"Uh, nothing. Why?" Baylen questioned, "Well, um.. there's a movie playing tonight at the theaters, and I was wondering since Mindy has a date and She brought extra tickets and she gave me some but I need to bring someone and since it was a horror movie," Chad ranted

"I was thinking that you would like to come with me?" Chad finished, rubbing the back his neck.

"Sure. I just have to ask my parents first, but yeah, I love to. What movie is it?" Baylen questioned, and Chad smiled.

"Uh, Killer clowns from outer space." Chad replied, and baylen nodded ,"I love that movie."

"Text me -" baylen cut off Chad ,"I lost my phone, man, but I'll borrow one of my sisters phones."

Chad nodded ,"Okay. Uh, do you want me to give you a ride home?" Baylen shook his head.

"Thanks, but I'm taking the bus home with G. Speaking of which, I gotta go before it leaves me." Baylen said. He smiled at Chad before rushing away.

"So, what did he say?" Mindy questioned coming up to Chad. "Did he say yes or what?" Connie questioned

"Yeah, he said yes, but he has to ask his parents first." Chad said before he fist bumped the air.

He turned to face his cousin and sister. "I just scored a date! Whoo! This is an awesome day!"
Word count - 643

Hope you enjoy!

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