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Baylen didn't know why he was being targeted by crazy psychos who wanted to kill him. In the last few weeks, he was pushed down the stairs, broke his arm, and hit his head. He was almost killed by some crazy lady twice!

His arm got infected, and someone stabbed him and tried to kill him.

He was paranoid at this point. He wanted nothing more than to hide from the world.

The lack of sleep didn't help. He was jumpy all the time, and he didn't want to stay at the hospital anymore.

He was almost killed twice at the hospital, and it was supposed to be a safe place, but truly, it wasn't.

After two days more of being in the hospital. Baylen couldn't stand it anymore. He wanted to leave, and he did.

His parents took him back home, and he was less paranoid at home, but nonetheless , he was still paranoid.

He was constantly tired, but he just couldn't sleep. He couldn't close his eyes without seeing the lady or Ghostface.

His eyes were sunken, dark circles under his eyes. It wasn't just the nightmares that kept him awake.

It was the pain. The pain in his shoulder and arm. The medication didn't help, and baylen didn't want to take stronger ones, so he kept quiet about the pain.

Chad visited him every day and texted him every minute, no matter what time it was.

Talking to Chad took some stress away from baylen. It was a small relief that baylen always looked forward to.

But that relief didn't last long. His fingers were covered in bandaids from him chewing on nails , skin, or just scratching at it until it bleeds.

His parents tried to get him to talk to them, but he would just tell them that he was fine, but everyone could see that he wasn't.

His parents were talking about him seeing a therapist. Baylen overhead them talking.

They said it would probably be better if he talked to some stranger than them.

Baylen didn't need a therapist. What he needed was for people to stop trying to kill for one second.

"- len!" Startled baylen jumped, his eyes landing on Dylan.

"Sorry, but I've been calling your name for a whole minute!" Dylan told him, sitting beside him on the couch.

"You wanna watch Sherk with me?" Dylan questioned, grabbing the remote from the coffee table in front of them.

"Sure." Baylen mumbled, his eyes squinting a bit as Dylan turned on the tv.

He couldn't see shit. "Hey, you seen my glasses?" He questioned

"Their on your face, bay." Dylan replied, "You okay?" Baylen nodded, taking off his glasses.

He forgot he had them on. His eyesight was getting worse. It was probably due to the lack of sleep.

Baylen left them off and just stared at the tv. He watched the blurry figures. He had watched this movie countless times, and he knew all the scenes by heart.

"Hey! I'm home!" Baylen slightly flinched as Tara's voice rang out. "I'm brought my friends!" She added

Baylen perked up, turning his head, and slightly smiled as he spotted Chad.

"Hey, Bay. How are you feeling?" Chad questioned, walking over and sitting beside him.

"I'm okay," baylen replied, "he forgot his glasses were on his face." Dylan spoke up, never taking his eyes off the movie.

"Did you sleep at all today? Our parents said you needed to sleep." Tara told him

"He hasn't slept yet." Dylan answered, and baylen sighed ,"I'll sleep later, promise."

"Chad, you coming?" Mindy questioned, "Nah. I'm watching sherk." Chad said, shaking his head.

"Your homework doofus." With that, Tara and her friends went upstairs to her room.

Baylen felt a bit safer with chad next to him. As the minutes passed by, his eyes were slowly closing.

His head rolled to the side, and he leaned on Chad's shoulder.

Chad looked down at his shoulder, and he smiled, pressing a soft kiss to Baylen's head.

He was happy to see that baylen was getting some sleep.

Word count - 682

Hope you enjoy!

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