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Chad was having a hard time focusing on the movie with baylen sitting right next to him. He was nervous. What if he accidentally touched Baylen's hand by accident?

Baylen, on the other hand, was trying to keep his mind off everything. He just wanted to focus on the movie, but it seemed like he couldn't.

His mind was on his missing stuff. He wondered if one of his sisters actually took them or maybe one of their friends.

He always kept his door open. He rarely closed it unless he was changing, of course, but other than that, it stayed open.

Anyone could just walk into his room. Baylen didn't have anything to hide.

He subconsciously reached for some popcorn at the same time Chad reached for the popcorn as well.

Their hands brushed against each others and they turned their heads to look at their hands before looking at each other.

Both boys blushed, instantly retreating their hands. Chad cleared his throat, "Sorry."

"Uh, I'm sorry." Baylen said, a small chuckle escaping him.

"You can get popcorn first." They said in the same time.

"Um, I'm just gonna drink some soda." Baylen said, grabbing his soda and putting the straw in his mouth.

A blush coating his cheeks , Baylen glanced at Chad, who was slowly eating popcorn while his left leg bounced up and down.

Baylen couldn't help but think how handsome Chad is. He's never thought Chad was handsome before.

Was he finding Chad attractive? With that thought in his mind, he accidentally choked on his drink.

"Are you okay?" Chad questioned, and baylen nodded, coughing a few times. "I'm just gonna get some fresh air."

Baylen stood up and rushed out of the movie room. Chad stood up and followed him.

Once he was outside, baylen took a deep breath of the night air. "Hey, are you alright?" Chad questioned

"Yeah, I'm sorry, it's just that I have a lot on my mind right now." Baylen replied

"You wanna talk about it?" Chad questioned, and baylen sighed.

"Do you wanna get a burger with me?"
- -
Chad watched as baylen scarfed down his second hamburger. "You're stress eating, bay. What's on your mind?"

Surprised to know that Chad knew that he stressed eats, baylen looks up. "What? How do you know that I stress eat?"

Chad shrugged, "I noticed things."

Baylen took a sip of ice tea. "Okay, so, um for the last week. A few of my things went missing, and now my favorite jacket is gone too."

"My phone went missing. I have no idea what's going on, but it's kinda freaking me out." Baylen told him, throwing a few fries into his mouth.

"That's weird. Does your parents know?" Chad questioned, and baylen nodded

"Uh-huh." Chad reached out and stole a fry from Baylen's plate. "Let's do our own investigation."

"What?" Baylen raised an eyebrow, "like in Scooby-Doo." Chad told him, and baylen chuckled.

"You wanna be like the mystery gang and investigate?"He asked, and chad nodded

"Let's start at the scene of the crime." Chad said ,and baylen nodded

"Sure, after I finished my fries and ice tea."
Word count - 531

Hope you enjoy!

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