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Chad was woken up due to something wet hitting his face, and he groaned, slowly opening his eyes and noticing that it was Lola who was lacking his face.

"Yuck, Lola." Chad mumbled, turning his head and seeing Baylen still asleep. His lips were slightly parted as he quietly and adorably snore, his hair slightly on his face.

Chad softly smiled, and Lola started to lick baylen's face, and baylen groaned, hiding his face in Chad's side.

Lola whined, laying down on Chad, who groaned at the weight. "God, what have you guys been feeding her?"

"Hm, so much food," Baylen replied, lifting his head, smiling at Lola, bringing his good hand up, and petting Lola.

"What time is it?" Baylen questioned, letting out a small yawn. Chad hummed, glancing at the clock that baylen had on the desk next to his bed.

"Um, eight thirty." Chad replied, and baylen looked at him. "In the morning?" Chad nodded

"Yeah. Slept the whole night." Chad said, and baylen sat up, stretching his body, his bones slightly cracking.

"Best sleep I've had in ages." Baylen mumbled before he stood up, but his legs felt like jello, so he fell.

"Ow." Chad quickly stood up. "Bay! Are you okay?" Baylen let out a small laugh, and Chad relaxed, knowing that baylen was okay.

A throat was cleared, and boys both turned to see Tara, who stood by the door with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Mom, send me to wake you guys up. She's making pancakes, and they're almost done." Tara told them, eyes darting between the two of them.

"We'll be down in a minute." Chad replied, and Tara hummed before she turned around and walked away.

Chad looked back at baylen, who chuckled, standing up with the help of Chad.

The two stood close to each other, their lips inches apart, Chad eyes darted from baylen's eyes to his lips before he leaned down and kissed him.

Baylen slowly kissed him, and after a minute, they pulled apart. Chad smiled at him, "I can never get tired of kissing you."

Baylen blushed, softly chuckling. "You are so cheesy."

"Only for you." Chad replied, and baylen just smiled at him before stepping back. "Gotta get ready and head downstairs."

- -

Baylen felt better after getting some sleep. He felt like he had more energy. He felt more alive than anything.

"You seem really hungry." Billy noted watching as baylen scarfed down another pancake.

Baylen nodded, "Yeah, starving." He put another piece of pancake in his mouth, drinking some chocolate milk.

His parents shared a look, but they were happy that baylen was eating more.

"So, can I go to school today?" Baylen questioned, glancing at his parents.

"Not today, bay." Billy told him, sending a look of help to Stu and Cassie.

"Sorry, bay, you need time to heal. You'll be going with your papa today, okay? We'll see if you can go to school next week." Stu told him, placing another plate full of pancakes down in the table.

Dylan, baylen, and Chad took the pancakes.

"You guys are like animals." Tara said, shaking her head.

"What, mom's and dad's pancakes are the best." Baylen replied, shrugging.

Baylen was buzzing with pure energy. He was looking more like his old self, but there was something wrong.

There was something different about him, but nobody was paying attention , not really.

Baylen wasn't getting better, no. It was an act. Something was making everyone think that he was getting better, but the truth was,

Baylen was getting worse until he would just snap.

Baylen's was gonna snap one day, and nobody was going to like it.


Word count - 616

Sorry for the late update!

Hope you enjoyed!

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