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Baylen anxiously bit his nail as night neared. Lola seemed to have senses his anxious state went over to him and laid beside where he was sitting on the couch.

Lola laid her head on his lap, and baylen looked down at her, bringing his hand down from his mouth and started to pet Lola's head.

"Bay, you okay?" Dylan questioned, coming into the living room and sitting next to baylen.

"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm fine, bud." Baylen replied,

"Your finger is bleeding," Dylan told him, and baylen looked down at his hand , noticing that his thumb was bleeding.

"I'll get you a bandaid." Dylan said , "No, I um, I have to get up anyways. Thanks, though, Dylan." Baylen said

Lola stood up first and waited for baylen. He stood up and stretched his body before walking out of the living room.

"Hey, you feeling okay?" Cassie questioned, and baylen nodded , "Yeah, I'm okay, mom."

"You're bleeding." Cassie told him, grabbing his hand in hers and looking at thumb

"It was an accident, mom. I'm fine, I just need a bandaid, that's all." Baylen said, and Cassie sighed

"Come on, we have Scooby-Doo bandaids in the kitchen." Baylen followed his mom to the kitchen, where Billy was looking at some case files while drinking coffee.

"Are you hungry? You haven't eaten much all day." Cassie questioned, and baylen shrugged,

"I'll make you a sandwich." Cassie told him, handing him a bandaid.

"Thanks, mom." Billy looked up from his case files as baylen sat next to him.

"What happened?" He questioned, "Just an accident, that's all." Baylen replied

"Here you go, want some milk?" Cassie asked, and baylen just nodded his head, looking down at the sandwich.

He never liked the crust on the bread, but he didn't extacly tell his parents. They were busy doing more important things, and he didn't want to take up their time by cutting off the crust of his bread.

Plus, he could do it. He's been doing it since he was enough to do it.

His parents didn't notice as he ripped off the crust and gave it to Lola.

His stomach ached with every swallow of the sandwich. It was good, but it was like his stomach just couldn't accept it.

He felt like puking, but he didn't. He couldn't. If he puked, his parents would know that something was wrong.

He knew that he should be telling his parents, but he just didn't want to feel like a burden.

They already had enough on their plate, and he didn't want to add to it.

Baylen was just the understanding son, the one who helps out and doesn't expect anything in return.

He didn't want to burden anyone, so he just kept all his emotions and problems bottled up inside of him.

Nobody needed to know what his problems were or what he was feeling. 

He was fine. So every time somebody asked, he replied, "I'm fine." He was fine, and he will always be fine.

He built up walls or a dam. He kept everything hidden back there. It would crack once in a while, but baylen would just fix the cracks.

Baylen would never let it break, not unless he wasn't strong enough anymore, but he's been strong since he was a child.

He could handle a few bumps in the road. Baylen was just born that way, and he doesn't think he'll ever change.

The day he does...well,he'll figure it out. He always does.

"-Dylan! Brush your teeth!" Startled, by the voice of his mother, baylen jumped a little.

"You okay?" Billy questioned, noticing the way baylen jumped.

"Y- yeah," he chuckled ,"I was just in my mind. I just got startled, that's all." Baylen said

"Um, speaking of brushing teeth, I um, gotta go Brush mine and go to sleep, since ya know, gotta go to school tomorrow." Baylen told him, standing up.

"Um, bay, actually about that," Cassie started, and baylen looked at her ,"huh?"

"We were just talking, and we think you should wait a few more days before you can go back to school." Cassie told him.

"Mom, I don't want to be in the house all day. I'll be fine, I promise, plus, if anything happens, I'll call one of you." Baylen told her

"Seriously, stop worrying, I'm the one with the broken arm, remember?" He chuckled ,

"Night." With that, baylen walked away with Lola following behind him.

Billy and Cassie shared a look, "Well, that went well."
Word count - 759

Hope you enjoy!

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