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Baylen didn't sleep at all last night. He was awake all night. He stayed up reading a book from his personal library in his room.

He was tired but it didn't matter. He held back a yawn as he walked down the stairs. Lola ran down the stairs, making it to the bottom floor before he did.

"Morning, Bay. How'd you sleep?" Stu questioned being the first to notice baylen.

"I slept fine." The lie passed his lips so easily. He's been lying for years. He sat down next to Dylan, his stomach turning at the smell of food.

"So, bay. We need to talk about school." Cassie told him, placing a plate of food in front of him.

"I'm ready, seriously, I am." Baylen said, grabbing a piece of bacon.

"You having headaches?" Cassie questioned. Yes, in fact, baylen had this huge headache. It was like his brain was pounding against his skull.

"No." He lied

"Any pain in your arm?" She asked

"My arm is broken. It's a regular occurrence." Baylen replied, actually, his arm hurts like hell even with the pain medication, but his bone did snap in two, and it was sticking out of his arm.

"You smell like death." Dylan told him, and baylen looked at him, "I showered this morning. You're probably smelling yourself twerp."

Dylan sniffed himself before he scrunched his face in disgust. "Yeah, I haven't showered in two days."

"Ew, Dylan, gross!" His sisters all gagged or scooted away from him. "What? It was the weekend!" Dylan defended himself.

"Alright, bud. Go shower." Stu told him, and Dylan sighed before standing up and walking out of the dining room.

Cassie walked over and used the back of her hand to feel the temperature of Baylen's head.

"You're warm," she told him ,"your hand is cold, mom." Baylen said, moving his head back a bit.

"Sore throat?" She asked, her worried eyes met his.

"No. I'm completely fine." Baylen said, "mom, come on. Stop babying him. He said, he's fine, then he's fine,"Tara spoke up, looking up from her phone.

"Yeah, come on. Don't you guys trust me?" Baylen questioned,

"It's not that we don't trust you. We do trust you," Billy spoke up, "we just want to make sure that you're alright before we let you go to school."

"I am, like hundred percent." Yeah, a hundred percent negative.

"If you guys are so worried, then I would look after him at school. Plus, Chad's gonna be doing so much hovering. He's gonna be worse than mom, trust me." Tara said

Baylen cheeks tinted red at the thought of seeing chad again. Their parents shared a look before Cassie sighed ,

"Alright, fine, but you keep your phone with you at all times. You call one of us if you start feeling sick or dizzy. Do you understand me?" She told him, and baylen nodded

"Of course, mom. I will."
- -

Baylen felt great coming back to school, but his brain pounded against his skull with the loud chatter.

Tara was right, Chad did hover. Every hour, he asked if he was alright or if he needed anything.

He was worse than his parents, but Chad was making his heart flutter.

"How did bay break his arm?" George questioned, and baylen hummed, closing his eyes for a second as the headache increased.

"Fell down the stairs, G." He replied, "Bay, you're clumsy." George told him

"Yes, I am, G." Baylen mumbled

"Bay?" Baylen hummed ,"your nose is bleeding." George told him, and baylen opened his eyes, bringing his up and touch below his nose before pulling back and seeing blood.

"Jesus." Baylen stood up from the position that he was sitting on the floor. He rushed down the hallway and into the bathroom, grabbing some towels and pressing it against his nose.

His vision blurred for a second, and he lost his balance but managed to catch himself.

"Bay? G said that you had a nosebleed." Chad rushed into the bathroom. "I'm okay," baylen told him

"No, you're not. I'm calling the sheriff." Chad told him

"No, Chad. Please don't call my papa. I'm fine, really." Baylen told him, and Chad looked at him.

"Bay, you are not fine. I saw you wincing every time the bell rings and your bleeding from your nose," Chad said

"I have known you since we were kids, and you've never had a nose bleed before." Chad continued

"And I also know that you don't want to burden your parents, but it's their job to worry and care about you." He finished

Baylen's vision blurred, and Chad saw him swaying, and he reached out, catching him as he passed out.

"Shit! Baylen!"
Word count - 789

Hope you enjoy!

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