Chapter 1: Give Up

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Luckily, those idiots were nowhere in sight when we entered the campus. Me, Perth and Gemini got in very quitely.We were wearing black masks, black sunglasses and a total black dress. We were walking very slyly  to not disturb our  peaceful morning by crowds of our fans. 

Our plan had worked. No one had noticed that we had entered. 

And then came a shout.


All the college student's heads turned searching for me.

The owner of this shout was none other than Nanon Korapat. He stood on the stairs of the main building. He  started coming forward  as he descended one step at a time followed by Chimon and Fourth.

And after the shout, in a matter of seconds, there was a huge crowd of fans in front of us.  They started demanding us for various things like our wechat,our phone no. , autographs, etc.

Perth sighed irritated and pulled his mask and sunglass down.

"Did that asshole have to disturb our morning" Perth said  charging at him as I pulled him back.

"Let's not waste time on them Perth. We need to report to coach in 0 period." I said as I glared at Nanon, pushing through the crowd.

"Running away huh?" Chimon said smirking as they came forward.

"So true....." The team topper fans chorused.

 We had had enough. We were not going to stand these idiots insulting us. We turned back and came forward. 

Now, we six were standing in two straight lines with a 2 hands-distance in between. There was a huge crowd surrounding us now from all the directions. 

" In Early Of The Morning, Why Are You Disturbing Us  You Moron?"Gemini said emphasizing the first letter of each word.

"Cause we are in search of losers to bully.." Fourth replied cheekily.

"You? And bullying? No offense  but these words don't go together.." I said as my fans burst into laughter.

"Well  You and studying? Huh, They don't go together .You guys are barely pass in academics. What about this year? Planned to fail ?" Nanon said throwing a huge bunch of papers on my face.  There was a huge round of laughter from their side.

As I picked it up, I saw the numbers written on each of the exam papers in bold red letters.

80/80 - 80/80 - 79.5/80 - 80/80 - 80/80 - 80/8--

I stopped reading it. Why am I reading this fool's papers? But I couldn't stop myself.

"See..Even you are awestruck by my marks.." He said smirking as he snatched the bundle back.

Chimon came forward and pulled Perth by the tie. I did not defend him. Secretly, I ship these two so much, that somewhere in my heart I was squeakling to see them together.

Perth looked at Chimon with the eyes, I have never seen him look at anyone with. I saw Chimon blush but his face again returned to a serious face.

"Tell your leader to stop, or else you guys are honestly doomed." He said looking from Me to Gemini with Perth in the middle. 

I had enough.

Fourth was going to through a kick at Gemini. I was going to throw a punch at Nanon and he was going to throw a kick but everything stopped when a large booming voice stopped us in our tracks.



A large booming voice stopped me from throwing a kick at Ohm. 

"ENOUGH. YOU SIX IN CLASS NOW !" The principal shouted at us as he entered the campus.

We quickily pushed through the crowd as we quickily entered the main building. Me, Mon and Fourth went towards the library while the team brats headed the other way towards the basketball court.

"Dude, if  the kick would have hit him, it would have created a good impact." I complained to Chimon and Fourth, shuffling the books in search of a good one.

"Same here.. If only that old man could stop interrupting.." Fourth said whining both because of not finding a book to read and because of the principal.

I smiled.

"It's okay we will see them next time." I said as I passed each one of them  a good book to read. 

Their face lit up seeing the books as we went and sat on a table.

After a while, chimon asked me.


Author: Guys..Hope you are liking it..

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