Chapter 7: Heated Moments (Not What I Planned)

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Yeji's POV

As Ryujin and I strolled side by side, the cool breeze rustled through our hair, carrying the scent of the approaching evening. We were headed to the dance studio, and as we walked, Ryujin turned to me and inquired, "You were going to practice, am I right?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at her question. "You know, Ryujin, it's been so long since we've been friends, but you've never joined me in any dance practice."

Ryujin's competitive spirit ignited as she smirked and retorted, "Well, because I am—"

Before she could finish her sentence, I playfully interrupted with a teasing grin, "Because you're not good at dancing?"

Ryujin shot me an incredulous look. "What do you mean? I'm good at everything."

I decided to up the ante, keeping the playful banter alive. "Well then, Ryujin, show me."

We finally arrived at the dance studio, and I pushed open the door, revealing the spacious and mirrored practice room. As the familiar scent of polished wood filled the air, and my reflection in the full-length mirrors brought happiness to me, I couldn't help but smile.

Ryujin scanned the room and inquired, "Wait, why is it just the two of us? Where's your crew?"

With a shrug, I explained, "We don't have practice today, Ryujin. I was just challenging you for some fun."

She chuckled, realizing my intent. "Oh gosh."

Going to the speakers, I couldn't resist the urge to play some music. I grabbed my phone, selected a catchy song, and let the energetic beat flood the room. I started with some light stretching, gradually loosening our muscles, preparing ourselves for the dance.

I turned to Ryujin with a teasing glint in my eye. "You should join me if you don't want to hurt your body later."

Ryujin playfully rolled her eyes and responded, "Fine, fine, let's see what you've got, Yeji."

We began our stretching, locking eyes in the mirror and exchanging knowing smirks. Ryujin commented, "That's this easy?"

I chuckled, "Of course, it's just stretching."

Eager to get to the dancing, Ryujin suggested, "Let's not waste our time, shall we? Can we just start dancing?"

I raised an eyebrow, teasing her. "Wow, you're really into this, aren't you?"

Ryujin smirked and confidently replied, "Of course I am. I'm always up for a challenge, Yeji."

I couldn't help but notice the unusual absence of her busy schedule. I prodded, "You're not busy. That's quite unusual."

She playfully quipped, "Well, I just got laid last night, so…"

I made a disgusted face. "Ew, don't talk to me about things like that, please."

Ryujin chuckled and reassured me, "I was just joking. Don't take it seriously."

I decided to touch on a more serious topic, "Are you planning on pursuing Lia?"

Ryujin looked confused. "What do you mean?"

I clarified, "You know what I mean."

Ryujin laughed. "You know me, Yeji. I'm not like that."

I continued, "You know what she feels about you, right?"

Ryujin assured me, "Don't worry, I won't hurt her."

I pressed further, "Ryujin."

She sighed, clearly wanting to change the subject. "Can we just dance?"

I walked over to the speaker, changed the song, and replied, "Let's do it."

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