Chapter 11: Naked Truths (I'm not feeling this)

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A/N: I need your imagination here.

Yeji's POV

I was savoring the barbecue flavors when Lia initiated the conversation, her eyes shimmering with excitement. "Are you all having fun?" she asked with genuine enthusiasm.

I glanced around at our group, the beachside table bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun.

The sound of crashing waves provided a soothing background soundtrack, and the gentle ocean breeze played with our hair. "I am," I replied with a contented smile. It was impossible not to have fun in such a picturesque setting.

Yuna, her face lit up with delight, chimed in, "Very much."

I.N., always the joker, teased, "It was hard looking after these two," gesturing towards Yuna and Chaeryeong.

Yuna swiftly fired back, "We never asked you to take care of us."

Minho, wearing a grateful expression, looked towards Lia and spoke sincerely, "Thank you, Lia, for inviting me."

Lia waved it off casually, her eyes sparkling, and replied, "No problem. It's for Yeji. I know she'll enjoy this more with you." Her words warmed my heart, and I felt a slight blush creeping up my cheeks.

Chaeryeong, full of excitement, let out a cheerful "Yieeee," breaking the pleasant silence.

Minho and I exchanged smiles, a silent understanding passing between us. I couldn't deny that I was enjoying his company.

As the group's chatter continued, Ryujin interjected with a question, pulling me back to the present. "What are the activities for tomorrow?"

I.N., always brimming with ideas, suggested, "We could do some jet skiing, Ryujin, or island hopping if you want."

Lia chimed in, her eyes sparkling. "We should go to my favorite island.

I.N. appeared a bit skeptical, cautioning, "It's scary there."

With a playful smirk, Lia teased, "Pussy."

Yuna couldn't contain her laughter and playfully agreed, "Yeah, you are!"

I couldn't help but chuckle along with the group. Surrounded by friends, the beach, and the fading sun, I couldn't deny that this was a perfect moment.

After a while, the clock struck 11 p.m., and it was time for us to retreat to our respective rooms, saving our energy for the adventures that awaited us the next day.

Ryujin had departed earlier, presumably making her way to our shared room. As I opened the door and entered, an unsettling silence greeted me.

I followed my usual nightly routine, hoping that Ryujin would return before I finished. Yet, as I completed my routine, the door remained closed, and no familiar voice called out.

A strange feeling crept over me-a sense of unease I couldn't shake.

I lay on my bed, gazing at the ceiling, my thoughts spinning. This situation was entirely new and unfamiliar. The possibility that she might be somewhere else, perhaps in someone else's room, weighed on my mind, and I couldn't understand why. It frightened me-this strange insecurity.

I tossed and turned in my bed, unable to find peace. Sleep eluded me, and my mind was consumed by thoughts I wished I could banish. It was clear that rest wouldn't come to me tonight.

With a sigh, I decided to leave the room and take a solitary walk by the ocean. As I stepped out, the surroundings were eerily quiet. It seemed everyone else had already succumbed to sleep while I grappled with thoughts that should never have crossed my mind.

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