Chapter 14: Would've been (not in sync)

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Yeji's POV

The concept of hurrying through things has never resonated with me; I've always preferred the deliberate pace of my own rhythm. So, when Chaeryeong dropped the bombshell that we were participating in a dance competition merely a week away, I almost screamed.

"I can't come up with a dance routine that quickly," I lamented to Chaeryeong as we ambled towards the dance studio.

With unwavering determination, she rebutted, "Yes, you can, and everyone's waiting for us there now."

In an attempt to seek an easier way out, I half-heartedly suggested, "Maybe we can just recycle a dance routine."

Undeterred, Chaeryeong nudged me. "Yeji, they are the ones choosing our dance, and we have yet to craft a routine for that specific song."

Faced with the harsh reality of our predicament, I shrugged, expressing my reluctance. "Then one more reason not to join."

"The crew wants this," she insisted, her eyes conveying a sense of urgency.

I sighed, contemplating the impending chaos. "Yeah, maybe if we work together," I reluctantly agreed.

Her face lit up with enthusiasm. "Really?"

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"Yes! Also, I know someone who could lend us a hand," Chaeryeong revealed.

My confusion was evident. "Who?"

"Your boyfie," she teased, injecting a hint of playfulness into her words.

I raised an eyebrow in jest. "Huh, I have that."

An eye roll and a playful smack on my shoulder later, Chaeryeong clarified, "Ugh, Yeji, Minho. My friend mentioned he used to choreograph dances too."

"Your friend?" I inquired, genuinely surprised. "You have that?"

A slight frustration danced in her eyes as she slapped my shoulder once more. "What is wrong with you?" she demanded.

"Nothing; well, maybe a little exasperation about this whole situation," I confessed, the weight of the impending challenge visible in my eyes.

"Nah, we can do this." Chaeryeong reassured me with an encouraging smile, her optimism cutting through the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

As the door to the dance studio swung open, revealing the familiar faces of my crew, a surge of energy, accompanied by a hint of nervous anticipation, filled the room. Among them was a very familiar face making her way towards me.

"Why are you here?" I questioned, curiosity lining my voice.

"We just want to watch y'all practice," Ryujin explained, a playful grin on her face. She then turned to Chaeryeong with a teasing tone and asked, "Why the hell is this girl so grumpy?"

In response, Chaeryeong leaned in, whispering something to Ryujin that sent them both into fits of laughter, leaving me slightly bewildered.

"What do you mean 'we'?" I probed, attempting to unravel the mystery.

"Huh?" Ryujin looked momentarily puzzled.

"You said, 'We just want to watch,'" I pointed out, seeking clarification.

"Oh, Lia. She just went to the restroom; she'll be back," Ryujin clarified, bringing light to the situation.

"You seem more serious now," I observed, a note of skepticism in my tone, as I began walking towards the center of the studio.

"Nah, we're just hanging out as friends," Ryujin said, following my lead, her casual demeanor aiming to downplay the intensity of the upcoming challenge.

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