Chapter 23: Twirls (not with her)

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Ryujin's POV

The Ice Ranch stood before us, a pristine sheet of frozen magic waiting to be danced upon. Lia and I bundled up in winter gear and laced our ice skates, exchanging laughter as we prepared for our icy escapade.

Lia flashed a playful smile. "Are you sure you're ready for my dazzling ice skating skills?"

I chuckled as I replied. "Oh, I'm ready. Show me what you've got."

With skates securely fastened, we glided onto the ice. Lia, however, found the slippery surface less forgiving, stumbling with every step.

"Okay, maybe I need a bit of guidance," she admitted, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

I offered a hand, a mischievous grin playing on my lips. "Allow me to be your ice skating sensei."

As I guided Lia through the smooth expanse of the ice, our laughter reverberated in the crisp, wintry air. She swayed with a grace that defied the ice beneath her, attempting elegant moves that often culminated in laughter-filled twirls.

In the midst of our playful escapade on ice, a moment of curiosity struck me. "How do you and Chaeryeong know each other?"

Lia, with a smile that carried the weight of shared memories, replied, "We've known each other since we were practically wearing diapers."

A chuckle escaped my lips, the image of two toddlers forming in my mind.

"Our parents are friends," she continued, the story unfolding like a cherished chapter in her life.

"So you've known Yeji since then. How come I didn't know you?" I inquired, the mystery of our paths not crossing until now piquing my interest.

"Not really. Although Chaeryeong talks about her a lot, she admires how Yeji is so detailed and perfectionist," Lia explained, her voice carrying a note of admiration.

I nodded, the truth resonating in her words. "That's very true," I whispered, the acknowledgment underscored by our synchronized twirls on the icy stage.

"So how about you and Yeji?" Lia asked, her movements graceful as she twirled, adding a rhythmic dance to our conversation.

"What about us?" I smirked, matching her twirl with one of my own, the winter air carrying our laughter.

"How did you two meet?" she inquired, curiosity coloring her voice as she moved with fluid elegance, a ballet of words and motions.

"It started with a simple 'hi,'" I chuckled, injecting a note of warmth into the memory.

"Oh, cheesy," Lia teased, her eyes glinting with playful amusement.

"Uhm, first year of high school," I began, the memories unfolding like the pages of a well-worn book. "I didn't know anybody; I moved here without my parents."

"Too young," Lia commented, a hint of surprise in her expression.

"Well, technically, I stayed with Yuna's family until I moved out at 18," I continued.

"Why not stay with your parents, though, if you don't mind me asking?" Lia's question held a gentle curiosity, and I took a moment before responding.

I sighed, masking the weight of the past with a forced smile. "Never had a great relationship with them," I admitted. "I'd say I was the black sheep of the family, up until now."

"A rebel, I like that," Lia smirked, earning a playful slap on her shoulder.

"Yeji was a huge part of your teenage life, then," she remarked, capturing the essence of those years with a knowing glance.

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