Chapter 28: Smiles (not romantic, just snowboarding)

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A/N: Wrapped up in these winter wonderland, Christmassy-infused chapters, it's like a chilly hug and a cup of cocoa all rolled into one, hehe. 🌨️☕ Loving the vibes! ✨

Ryujin's POV

“Am I supposed to be here?” Chaeryeong questioned.

“What do you mean?” Lia countered.

“Aren't I just third-wheeling?” Chaeryeong clarified.

Lia looked at me and smirked. She has been doing this nowadays, and I tried my very best not to roll my eyes.

The snowboarding arena buzzed with the hushed excitement of the audience, their breath visible in the chilly air. The scent of hot cocoa wafted around us, blending with the crispness of the winter night.

The snow-covered slopes themselves were a masterpiece—a vast expanse of pristine snow that sparkled under the moonlight. People, wrapped in cozy scarves and jackets, mingled around the perimeter, chatting and sipping on warm drinks.

Laughter and the occasional sound of snowboards slicing through the snow created a festive cacophony.

The surroundings echoed with the melodies of holiday tunes, each note adding to the enchantment of the gathering. The slope became a hub of anticipation, a place where excitement and camaraderie filled the air.

Underneath the glittering lights, the snowboarders practiced their moves, warming up for the main event. Their movements were a preview of the elegance and skill that would soon grace the snow.

Spectators lined up along the barriers and watched with eager anticipation, their eyes fixed on the athletes as they glided and performed daring tricks.

As the anticipation built, the surroundings became a canvas painted with hues of excitement and shared happiness. The air itself seemed to shimmer with the collective thrill of what lay ahead, promising a spectacle that transcended the boundaries of mere competition.

As I looked at the scene, Lia suddenly nudged me, drawing my attention to a specific spot. There, amidst the eager crowd, Yeji and Minho were walking.

Their expressions initially bore traces of frustration, perhaps from a disagreement, but as they spotted us, a subtle transformation occurred.

Their features softened, and smiles replaced the earlier tension.

"Hi, everyone," Minho greeted with forced cheerfulness, attempting to brush off any lingering negativity.

"Hi, long time, no see," Lia greeted, her smile adorned with a playful glint, hinting at mischief beneath the surface.

"Has it begun?" Minho inquired, genuine curiosity lacing his voice, though I couldn't help but notice he deliberately avoided looking in my direction.

"Nah, they're still in preparation," I replied, my eyes sweeping across the area to grasp the behind-the-scenes activity.

“Let’s find a place where we can see everything,” Chaeryeong suggested, pointing towards an available spot.

“I'm waiting for someone, so...” Lia began, her eyes darting towards me.

I nodded in understanding and said, "Alright.”

THE RHYTHM OF US: RYEJIWhere stories live. Discover now