Chapter 12: Back to Reality (not looking forward)

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Yeji's POV

Days came by so quickly, and our vacation was abruptly put to a halt. We found ourselves back in the familiar hallways of our university, where I was walking alongside Chaeryeong. Suddenly, she halted and fixed her gaze directly on me.

"Yeji, is there something wrong?" Chaeryeong asked, her concern evident in her eyes.

I hesitated for a moment before replying, "Um, nothing. I'm fine."

Chaeryeong wasn't convinced. She leaned in closer and said, "I really don't believe you. You've been quiet for so long."

I sighed, realizing that Chaeryeong wasn't going to let it go. "I've just been thinking about something, but I'm fine" I admitted.

She continued to scrutinize me. "Are you sure you're okay?" she pressed.

"Yeah," I replied with a forced smile. "I'm pretty sure."

We resumed our walk, and as Chaeryeong left me to go to her own room, I entered mine, only to find Lia inside.

"Good morning, Yeji," Lia greeted with a warm smile.

I returned her greeting, saying, "Good morning."

But as the hours passed by, it felt like time was slipping through my fingers.

I went through the motions of attending classes, but my mind seemed to wander far away, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I hadn't learned anything at all.

As the class came to an end, Lia and I walked outside together, chatting about random things.

But then, out of nowhere, someone covered my eyes, causing panic to surge through me.

"Help! What are you doing?" I yelled, my heart racing, but I felt Lia's reassuring presence as I instinctively held onto her hand.

"Don't worry, Yeji. Everything's fine," Lia said soothingly, her voice calming my racing heart. "What is this for?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Patience, Yeji," Lia replied with a mischievous grin. "You'll find out soon."

Guided solely by Lia's hand, we continued walking, and I could only rely on her guidance as I remained blindfolded. At one point, I sensed we were in the university's courtyard.

Then, with a slow and smooth motion, the blindfold was gently removed from my eyes. I blinked in surprise at the sight that greeted me-familiar and unfamiliar faces, all wearing broad smiles.

Ryujin was among them, but my attention was drawn to Minho, standing before me, holding a bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates.

Minho then moved closer to his friends, who had gathered around with musical instruments, and began to strum a guitar.

The soft strumming of the guitar filled the air, and I couldn't help but feel my heart racing as Minho sang those familiar lyrics.

I was standing there, frozen, unsure of what to do as he looked directly at me. His face lit up with a smile.

"When we're out in a crowd laughing loud
And nobody knows why
When we're lost at a club, getting drunk
And you give me that smile
Going home in the back of a car
And your hand touches mine
When we're done making love
And you look up and give me those eyes..."

I felt like the lyrics were written just for me, and I was entranced by Minho's voice and the way he sang the words. His eyes never left mine, and I was unable to look away.

The others were also smiling at me, their support and happiness adding to the overwhelming feeling in my chest.

"'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do..."

Minho's voice resonated with so much emotion that I couldn't contain the warmth. I didn't know what to do at that moment, so I just stood there, watching him sing those heartfelt words that seemed to express what I couldn't put into words myself.

"When we're done making love
And you look up and give me those eyes
'Cause all of the small things that you do
Are what remind me why I fell for you
And when we're apart, and I'm missing you
I close my eyes and all I see is you
And the small things you do
All the small things you do..."

As the song ended, Minho continued to hold my gaze, and I couldn't help but feel a deep connection with him at that moment. It was a beautiful surprise, and I was filled with gratitude for having someone like him in my life.

Minho's words hung in the air, and the anticipation was palpable. As the song ended, he approached me, his eyes filled with hope and uncertainty.

Then he asked the question that made my heart race: "Yeji, will you officially let me court you?"

Cheers and chants filled the surroundings, with Chaeryeong, Lia, and everyone enthusiastically urging me, "Say yes! Say yes!" Even Minho's friends joined in the chorus of cheers.

My gaze drifted to Ryujin, who had been a constant presence in my mind. She wasn't looking directly at us, but our eyes met briefly, and she offered a small smile while nodding. It was as if she was silently giving me her blessing.

Returning my attention to Minho, I felt a wave of emotions wash over me. The cheers of our friends surrounded us, and the pressure was mounting.

But then I found my voice, and with a smile, I replied, "Yes."

The cheers erupted once more, filling the air with joy and excitement. Minho embraced me tightly, and I hugged him back, feeling the warmth and happiness of the moment.

He whispered, "Yes! Thank you for giving me this chance, Yeji," and I smiled, knowing that this was the beginning of something new and wonderful.

Amidst the chorus of congratulations from our friends, I couldn't help but make a playful remark: "Why does this feel like it's my wedding? I'm not getting married, guys." Laughter filled the air as they joined in on the joke.

Minho played along, teasing me, "Hmm, Yeji, don't give me a sign."

I chuckled and replied, "Oh, no, no, no, no, no." Another round of laughter followed.

Then, Ryujin approached me, her words filled with affection: "My best friend is growing up now." She patted my head gently, and I couldn't resist pushing her playfully while sporting a bright smile.

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