Chapter 27: Iced Latte and Love (not exactly)

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Ryujin's POV

"Hey, beautiful, had a splendid night?" Lia's voice carried a playful melody, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

"You didn't remind me yesterday that today was Monday. What the hell?" I grumbled, the mundanity of the day a stark contrast to the mystery lingering from the night before.

"So, spill it. Did you have a romantic rendezvous?" Lia teased, her curiosity weaving through the air like a captivating dance.

"Not exactly as you might envision," I admitted with a sigh, our steps echoing through the hallways, each one revealing a fragment of the untold story.

"What happened, then?" Lia's interest was an insistent pull, urging me to unravel the intricacies of the night.

"Yeji happened," I confessed, a cascade of emotions painted across my expression, the complexities of the night etched on my face.

"Yeji?" Lia's confusion deepened. "What about Yena?"

"Yena is... I left her," I explained, the weight of a decision hanging in the air like a suspended moment.

"To cut to the chase, Yeji and I spent the night together," I disclosed, quick to clarify, “Not in the way you might think.”

Lia's brow arched. "You two, are you?" Her question lingered, creating an atmosphere heavy with the delicate tension of the night before. "Do you like each other?"

"Okay, hold on, let me untangle this. She pulls you outside, and you have no idea why?" Lia's voice conveyed a mix of disbelief and exasperation.

"She claimed exhaustion and asked me to leave.. with her," I clarified.

"While Minho is still there?" Lia pressed on, her incredulity apparent.

"Yeah," I sighed, a hint of resignation accompanying my admission.

"Has she always been like this?" Lia's question hung in the air, tinged with concern.

"Like what?" I countered, my uncertainty mirroring the complexity of the situation.

"She witnessed you with that girl, right?" Lia probed, attempting to decipher the intricacies of Yeji's behavior.

"Yeah, but... I don't know anymore," I admitted, taking a sip of my coffee as I gazed out of the window. "Speaking of the devil."

Outside, Yeji strolled with Chaeryeong, engaged in casual conversation.

As they noticed us by the window, they both waved, the gesture carrying an air of innocence.

Yeji's smile was directed at me, and instinctively, I returned it. I glanced at Lia, who observed the exchange with keen interest.

I shrugged, a gesture encapsulating the complex ambiguity of the situation.

“Mind if we join you?” Yeji's voice cut through the quiet like a soft breeze.

“C’mon, sit," Lia responded warmly, concealing any hint of curiosity behind her welcoming smile.

Yeji gracefully settled herself beside me, her proximity making me conscious.

"Iced latte?" Chaeryeong inquired, her gaze on Yeji.

"Iced Americano," Yeji and I spoke at the same time, our synchronized response drawing a shared glance between us.

A bemused expression played on Chaeryeong's features as she observed us. I seized the opportunity to clarify, gesturing toward Yeji. "That's her favorite," I explained, a small smile curving my lips.

"Yep," Yeji confirmed, her voice carrying a note of agreement.

Glancing at Lia, I noticed a suppressed chuckle dancing in her eyes. Unable to resist, I subtly kicked her foot beneath the table, quelling the impending laughter.

"So, we saw you and Minho having the time of your lives," Lia smirked, her tone tinged with playful curiosity. "What's the score?"

Yeji hesitated for a moment, her gaze briefly meeting mine, before responding, "We aren't together."

"Ah, just kissing then," Lia chuckled, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Sensing the need to shift the conversation, I tapped the table, diverting attention to a different topic. "Watching a snowboarding competition tonight; anyone joining?" I asked, hoping for a change of topic.

As Chaeryeong placed the iced Americano in front of Yeji, she sat down with a smile, expressing her interest. "I'm up for that," she said, her enthusiasm injecting a welcome lightness into the air.

"Yeah, me too. Got nothing to do," Lia chimed in. Turning her attention to Yeji, she inquired, "How about you, Yeji?"

"I can't. I have plans," Yeji replied, her voice carrying a subtle reservation.

"With Minho, I presume?" Lia prodded, her playful smirk revealing her astute awareness.

Yeji hesitated momentarily before nodding. "Yeah."

"Ah, is Yena coming too?" Lia asked, her gaze shifting between us.

"Who's Yena?" Chaeryeong inquired, her curiosity piqued.

"Ryujin's girl!" Lia laughed, injecting a touch of humor into the conversation.

"No, just a friend we met last night," I clarified, attempting to dispel any misconceptions.

"Yeji, where are you and Minho going?" Lia suddenly interjected, her eyes gleaming with intrigue.

Glancing at Yeji, who was visibly contemplating her response, I saw Lia's smirk widen.

Yeji bit her cheeks for a moment before speaking. "I can tell him to change plans."

I turned to Lia, finding her already smirking at me. It's these happenings that make me feel like things aren't as unreciprocated as they seem.

A/N: This one's short and sweet, and guess what? The next chapter's already waiting for you—just scroll, it's there, hehe. 💚

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