Chapter 33: Behind Closed Doors (not open for discussion)

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Ryujin's POV

"You've got this strangely happy aura," Lia remarked, a hint of skepticism in her tone. "I don't like that look on your face. Not that I mind you being happy, I just hate your face."

"Whatever, Lia," I replied, playfully pinching her cheeks.

"It's weird," Chaeryeong added.

"Super," Lia agreed.

Suddenly, a voice from behind us interrupted, causing my heart to skip a beat. "Good morning."

Yeji stood there, sporting a radiant smile, her flawless makeup enhancing her features. My immediate thought was how much I wanted to disrupt that perfect smile with a kiss.

"Well," Lia teased, glancing at me, "interesting."

Being her innocent self, Chaeryeong greeted Yeji, "Good morning! Had a good night?"

Yeji responded with a cute smile, briefly glancing at me before saying, "Great, even."

"Why were you absent yesterday, though?" Lia inquired.

"I wasn't feeling well," Yeji replied.

It wasn't a complete lie. Although she had told me yesterday that the real reason was that she didn't want to face me, she was lying in my arms when she admitted that; so I guess she wanted to see me more than she let on.

A notification ping from my phone stole my attention. Retrieving it from my pocket, I saw the message was from my mother.

With a sigh, I stashed the phone away, temporarily setting aside the outside world.

As the day unfolded, Yeji's intermittent glances in my direction kindled a persistent desire to kiss her. Her teasing smiles added an electrifying layer to the mundane routine.

During a break, when Yena found her way to us and settled beside me, I couldn't resist responding with a flirtatious smile. In my peripheral vision, I sensed Yeji's gaze intensifying, turning the moment into a subtle battleground of desires.

"Minho's the talk of the town," Yena whispered to me.

"Yep, I know," I replied.

"What happened?" she asked.

Her question was genuine and serious, yet I opted to inject a bit of playful banter into the situation. I smiled and whispered something flirty to Yena, earning a grin from her.

The moment, however, was abruptly halted by Yeji clearing her throat loudly, reclaiming our attention.

"I'm gotta go, late to class," Yeji declared.

"Huh, we almost have the same schedule. We don't have-" Lia started, but Yeji promptly cut her off.

"Taking a special class," she shared, her explanation lingering in the air as she gracefully stood up and departed.

After waiting for about three minutes, I decided to follow suit. As I stood up, Yena inquired, "Where are you going?"

"Restroom," I replied.

"I can accompany you," she smirked.

"I can manage," I said, dismissing the offer, and I walked off.

Through the winding hallways, I scanned the surroundings in search of Yeji but found no trace of her.

Determined to locate her, my steps quickened.

Suddenly, a hand pulled me into a room. "Yeji, what-" I started, but she silenced me by pushing me against the wall, and our lips met in a fervent kiss.

The room seemed to blur as we surrendered to the intoxicating pull, lost in the delicate dance of passion.

She still held my hands in hers, our fingers entwined in a silent promise. I longed to explore and touch her, but the moment held us captive, and I dared not disturb the fragile balance.

The kiss wasn't slow, nor was it gentle, like cotton. It was a tempestuous dance of emotions, an expression of the tumultuous journey that brought us to this precipice.

We reveled in the chaos, each kiss a punctuation mark in the unwritten narrative of our connection.

Pushing her to the table, she took a seat, and I positioned myself between her thighs.

"I'm so done with this game," she confessed.

With gentle urgency, I pulled her close, my hands holding her face as if sculpting a masterpiece.

We pulled away, our breaths mingling in the charged air. It was a moment of respite, a brief interlude in the symphony of emotions that enveloped us.

Not one to be content with silence, we returned for another kiss, a continuation of the unspoken conversation that transcended words.

Her tongue sought access, and I welcomed it willingly. She tasted sweet; the world wouldn't know how much I can give just to taste it every single day.

Her hands on my hair, her eyes closed, our noses touching, my hands on her thighs, our spit subtly proving our connection.

My hands traversed the contours of her back, tracing the subtle curves of her beautiful body.

Our lips met again, a seamless transition from one embrace to the next. The intoxicating taste of desire lingered between us, a silent acknowledgment of the passion that fueled our connection.

However, a sudden knock on the door disrupted our moment. "Is there someone inside?" a voice called out from beyond.

"You locked the door?" I inquired.

"Of course," she responded with a playful smirk. I couldn't help but laugh as we shared a brief, affectionate peck before unlocking the door.

Author's Note: So I've decided to conclude this story with 40 chapters. So since the first 20 chapters are from Yeji's point of view, my plan is to allocate the remaining 20 chapters to Ryujin's perspective. So yeah, they're fair.

Please note that some chapters may not be as lengthy due to the challenge of maintaining consistency. I appreciate your understanding and hope you continue to enjoy the unfolding narrative. Some things are still about to happen.

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