Chapter 15: Keys and Colors (not a typical entry)

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Yeji's POV

"You didn't have to take me home," I said as I exited Minho's car.
"Nah, I was a pain today; consider it my way of making up for it," he said, flashing a charming smile.
As I closed the door of his car, I didn't expect him to follow me outside, still striking up a conversation.
"Are you alone at home?" he asked.
"No, my brother's at home," I replied.
He came to me unexpectedly, planting a kiss on my cheeks. "That's a shame. We would have had fun."
Before I could process his words, he had already entered his car, pressed the horn, and took off. The unexpected encounter left me puzzled; Minho was acting strangely.
Entering my room, all I yearned for was to soak in the bathtub until daylight. Sticky from sweat and with an ache in my entire body, I undressed slowly, tossing a bath bomb into the tub.
As my clothes came off and I submerged myself in the soothing water, the day's tensions began to dissolve. The warmth of the bath provided a welcome respite, and for a moment, I allowed myself to forget the complexities of the day.
But then there was a knock on the door. I doubted they could hear me, but I still screamed, "Not tonight!"
Hyunjin had texted me that he was at a party, so there could only be one person to knock.
However, my phone, which was on the edge of the sink, rang, and Ryujin's name popped up.
Reluctantly, I answered. "Where are you?" she asked.
"Room," I replied.
"Which room specifically?" she pressed.
"The bathroom," I said.
I heard the door of my room opening, a sound that would have normally sparked immediate concern, but tonight, with the comforting embrace of the bathwater, it felt distant and inconsequential. The lock, a precaution I rarely engaged in, was still there, although no one was at home but my trusted maid. 

"I'm coming," declared the voice on the line, breaking through the serene ambiance.
"How the hell did you enter?" I asked, a hint of genuine surprise lacing my words. "I locked it."
Ryujin, undeterred, strolled in with a nonchalant air. "Your keys are literally hanging just beside the door," she casually remarked, closing the distance between us.
Her gaze lingered on me for what felt like an eternity, a silence settling between us. It brought an unexpected self-consciousness, and I couldn't help but break it with a teasing remark.
"You seem to like what you're seeing," I teased, a playful grin accompanying my words.
"What a nice color for a bath bomb," Ryujin observed, her eyes flickering with amusement as she redirected the conversation. Her fingers delicately touched the bubbles, creating ripples on the water's surface.
"Problem?" I retorted, glancing at myself beneath the vibrant hues and frothy bubbles. The realization hit me: I was entirely naked in this intimate, technicolor haven.
"If you hadn't spoken, I'd think I stumbled upon a crime scene," she quipped, her smile widening. "Red really sets the mood."
Her comment lingered in the air, creating a vibrant yet awkward atmosphere, the bubbling water punctuating the subtle tension that often accompanies unexpected visits during vulnerable moments.
"Why are you here?" I asked, attempting to navigate through the strange ambiance.
"Visiting an old friend," she replied, her voice carrying a tone of nostalgia, and she casually settled on the edge of the tub, indifferent to the potential dampness of her pants.
"We literally saw each other earlier," I pointed out, eyebrows raised in mild confusion.
She grinned. "I'm not feeling the parties tonight," she confessed, her smile betraying a hint of vulnerability.
"What's the matter?" I inquired, sensing there was more beneath the surface.
"Nothing," she reassured me, her eyes locking onto mine. "Just missed this."
We found ourselves locked in a silent exchange, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. I noticed the subtle shift in her gaze—a fleeting moment where it lowered to my mouth before returning to meet my eyes.
Feeling a surge of emotions, I decided to break the silence.
"You could stay for the night," I offered, the words slipping out before I could fully process them.
"Did I mention that I don't have plans on leaving?" she smiled, the sincerity in her eyes undeniable, and with that, she gracefully made her way to the door.
"I'm going to cook; what do you want to eat?" she asked, glancing back, her warmth filling the room with unexpected comfort.

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