Chapter 30: Chaotic Mornings (Not The Ideal Start)

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Ryujin's POV

We were a breath away from a kiss last night-a kiss once again.

However, as the moment teeters between what could have been and what might still be, my mind wrestles with the cryptic revelation Yeji dropped on me.

Was it just a jest, a playful jab, or did it carry more weight? Unfortunately, Yeji left for her room right after, leaving me entangled in a web of uncertainty.

Navigating the bustling corridors, my thoughts were supposed to be directed elsewhere, but there was an undeniable pull towards the enigma Yeji had presented.

"I can tell your mind isn't here," someone remarked.

Turning to face the speaker, I found Yena casually leaning against one of the lockers.

"What the... Why are you here?" I asked, genuinely puzzled.

"Well, I came to visit," she replied.

"Don't lie," I retorted.

"I literally study here, albeit in a different building," she explained, her tone laced with nonchalance.

"And you're here because?" I probed, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Because, why not?" Yena leaned in, her face mere inches away from mine, an air of mischief dancing in her eyes.

"I kind of don't have time for this," I remarked, gently pushing her away with a faint smile.

"Oh, come on, you were so down that night; it's like it's not you anymore," she insisted.

"Maybe it's not me anymore, or rather, maybe I was not myself that night," I mused.

"One kiss, give me one kiss, and I'd change your mind," she proposed, her voice carrying a hint of challenge.

"You want me too much," I chuckled.

"I do," she admitted, abruptly pulling me towards the restroom.

But as we entered, all I could think about was the expression on Yeji's face when she caught me making out with someone a thousand years ago in this very restroom.

"Nah, goodbye, I'll be late for class," I declared, abruptly stepping back.

"You're definitely too difficult for a fuckgirl," she observed.

I gulped, realizing she might be right. She seemed to understand my background better than I wanted her to. I couldn't deny it; I wasn't entirely sure of myself anymore.

Approaching her, I saw a smirk rising from her mouth. As I pulled her by the collar, I said, "Too bad, you're right," before pushing her away.

I continued down the corridor, intent on finding my room.

However, fate had a different plan, and I found myself face to face with Minho, unmistakably displeased at the sight of me.

Not one to play nice with him, I opted for silent dismissal and walked right past him.

"You're not going anywhere," he asserted, his tone demanding compliance.

I pressed forward without uttering a word, maintaining my silent protest. His frustration, however, escalated, and he resorted to pulling me by the shoulder to forcefully face him.

"I said you're not going anywhere," he repeated, a volatile mix of irritation and anger in his voice.

"What's with people trying to make me tardy for class?" I remarked dismissively, my nonchalance irritating him further.

He audibly exhaled, gritting his teeth. "Consider this a warning, Ryujin, a warning," he declared, pointing a finger accusatorily at my face.

I resisted the urge to yawn, finding the situation more comical than threatening. "Warning for what exactly?" I retorted, maintaining an air of boredom.

He tightened his grip on my arms; his anger was palpable. "Don't ever touch Yeji again," he commanded, his words laden with possessiveness.

A cascade of questions raced through my mind, creating a tumult of confusion.

Why was he suddenly acting like this? Had Yeji shared details about last night? But we didn't even kiss! Or was this about the kiss from before? Why hadn't he confronted me last night if that was the issue? Why now?

Wait hold on, Yeji told him? I mean, why not? Okay, what the fuck is happening?

"And who gave you the right to say that?" I challenged, a flicker of defiance in my eyes.

He held my arms more firmly, his tone turning stern. "I'm only going to tell you once; dont even go near her," he warned, his anger reaching its peak.

"You look funny," I remarked, suppressing a laugh at his expense.

His incredulous reaction to my indifference added an unexpected layer of amusement to the encounter.

"Are you kidding me?" he snapped, a mixture of disbelief and frustration etched on his face.

By this point, it seemed like the entire student body had become an unwitting audience for our confrontation. I scanned the crowd, searching for Yeji, though a part of me wasn't particularly eager for her intervention.

Minho, visibly seething, gritted his teeth once again and accused, "I know what you did-you forced yourself on her."

His words had a razor-sharp edge, and my initial impulse was to retaliate with a punch. However, a mischievous idea surfaced, a more subtle form of torture.

"What did I do exactly? Or rather, what did we do together?" I whispered into his ear, a smirk playing on my lips.

His reaction was immediate-he raised his arms as if to strike me. I met his furious gaze head-on, unfazed by his threats.

Yet, before he could unleash his anger, Chaeryeong intervened with a swift punch to the face. The unexpected turn of events added an action-packed element to the already chaotic morning.

As Minho crumpled to the ground, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.

However, my victory was short-lived as the reality of being late to class hit me.

"Are you okay?" Chaeryeong asked, genuine concern in her eyes, while Minho remained sprawled on the floor.

"I'm late," I declared, my focus already shifting to the urgency of reaching class.

"Huh?" Chaeryeong seemed momentarily baffled. "Oh my goodness, Ryujin, really now."

"I'm fine. Let's just leave," I insisted, tugging at her arm.

As we navigated the hallways, a sudden realization struck me. "Aren't we in the same class?" I asked.

"We don't even take the same course," Chaeryeong replied, a mixture of confusion and amusement in her tone.

My brain wasn't functioning optimally at that moment, and I was thankful that Chaeryeong didn't press for further details.

However, amidst the chaotic morning, one persistent thought echoed in my mind-I definitely was the reason they fought.

A/N: Sorry if this is short, but I can make up for that because I just released a 2-chapter story titled "Twisted Seduction," which is a story I never thought I would write 😭😭. Because it has some smut that all my other stories lack and a disclaimer, I still hate the cover of that story.

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