Chapter 32: I Want You (Not Holding Back)

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Ryujin's POV

The solitude of my home, usually a companionable quiet, suddenly felt like an unwelcome guest.

Staring out of my window, the moon cast a poignant glow, and an inexplicable sense of foreboding lingered in the air, as if anticipating the imminent rain.

I hesitated to check my phone, lost in contemplation.

But before I could gather my thoughts, the doorbell rang, signaling the presence of a visitor I hadn't anticipated.

"Yeji, why are you here?" I asked as she let herself in.

"You didn't reply," she stated matter-of-factly.

"I-" I began.

"Lia told me," she informed me.

"I-" I started again.

"Are you okay?" she interrupted.

"Uhm..." I mumbled, and as she tried to speak again, I pushed her onto the couch. "I will kiss you."

She stayed silent, and I continued, "That's what I thought."

Retreating to the couch opposite her, I asked, "You told him?"

She looked down, biting her bottom lip, and I observed the internal struggle on her face.

"I didn't mention your name," she said finally.

"You told your soon-to-be boyfriend that you kissed someone else," I remarked.

"He deserves that honesty. He brought me to the ice ranch, but all I could think of..." She paused, correcting herself, "He deserves to know."

A wry smile played on my lips. "And he kissed you after you told him about it; to what, erase my taste?"

Shock painted her face, a clear acknowledgment that I had pieced things together. Her silence spoke volumes.

She stood up abruptly, heading towards our kitchen. I followed suit, determined to delve into this conversation with clarity.

As she poured herself a drink, I opted for water, wanting her to be fully present in our discussion.

"I want to talk to you sober," I explained as I handed her the glass.

"He shouldn't have done that to you. I will talk to him," she said, determination in her eyes.

I touched her hands gently, locking eyes. "He told me to never touch you again."

I felt her shiver as I pulled her closer. Leaning in, I whispered in her ear, "He told me to never even go near you."

"Now tell me, Yeji, how did he know it was me when you did not mention my name?" I questioned, my gaze piercing into hers.

She met my gaze with an intensity that echoed unspoken emotions.

We remained incredibly close, the air thick with anticipation.

Her silence spoke volumes, and when words eluded her, I pressed further. "Be honest with me."

"What do you want, Ryujin?" she cried out, her voice tinged with so much vulnerability.

"You. I want you," I confessed, each word spoken making my heart beat too loud.

Without uttering a word, she pulled me in, and our lips met once again, bridging the gap of time that had stretched between us. The sensation felt as familiar as yesterday, yet charged with renewed intensity.

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