Chapter 29: You (not the right timing)

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Ryujin's POV

I detested the unsettling feeling that came with someone being upset with me, and my instinct was to resolve the issue as swiftly as possible.

So, when Yena rolled her eyes at me, my response was immediate-I rolled my eyes right back.

Okay, clearly, keeping my cool wasn't one of my strong suits.

Lia intervened with a diplomatic air, breaking the tense silence. "I will need you both to talk," she declared.

"We're not even close," I retorted, resisting the idea of hashing things out with Yena.

"No, not you and Yena. You, Yeji, and that guy," Lia clarified, her gaze directed at Yeji and, presumably, the source of the conflict.

"What?" Yeji exclaimed, clearly caught off guard.

"Saw you outside when you talked; it was heated," Lia explained, her sharp observation revealing her knack for picking up on subtle cues.

"What happened?" Chaeryeong inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Yeji took a minute to reply. "He asked me to go with him... and, well, I stayed," Yeji admitted, her voice betraying a mixture of vulnerability and conviction.

"Maybe it's better if you listened to your boyfriend, girl. I mean, we have class tomorrow," Yena chimed in, her tone carrying a hint of nonchalance.

"Not home, the club," Yeji clarified, breaking the cryptic exchange.

"Oh," Yena responded, her casual demeanor morphing into one of understanding.

I despised how effortlessly our eyes met and how my immediate instinct upon seeing Yeji sitting beside me was to hold her hand, and yet, I did exactly that.

She leaned her head on my shoulder, and I reciprocated, finding comfort in the shared warmth.

As I glanced at the others, I noticed their stares and a shift in their perception of us.

Chaeryeong wore a look of understanding, Lia had a mischievous expression, and Yena observed us with a cryptic gaze.

"Stay for the night?" I whispered to Yeji.

"Got to go home," Yeji replied.

I nodded, and she continued, "Take me home?"

"Of course," I said, a silent understanding passing between us.

As Yeji and Chaeryeong excused themselves to the restroom, Yena's expression held an enigmatic quality that eluded my understanding. "Soooo, when are we gonna continue where we left off?" she asked.

"Oh, I thought you were mad at me," I replied with a smile.

"Not too mad for a good time," she teased, trailing her hand along mine.

In that moment, I contemplated the paths that laid out before me. Yet, a gnawing discomfort lingered beneath the surface.

It had been a while since I allowed myself to indulge in a good time, but the realization hit me-all I could think about was the fact that I couldn't share that moment with anyone else.

"Let's go," Yeji said, her eyes fixed on the hands resting above mine.

Standing up, I agreed, "Yeah, let's go."

As we exchanged goodbyes with the others, we made our way to my car, but not before Yeji reached for my hand, our gloves clasping together.

It was a simple gesture, but one that carried a weight of familiarity and warmth-a moment I knew I would dearly miss.

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