Dear Readers

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I am so happy to announce that this novel is finished! This story has been my life for the past few years, I have watched it transform from a horrible idea to a pretty decent novel that I am proud of.  I plan to polish this novel and after I let it sit for a while.

I want to thank you, my readers, for reading this story through my constant revisions and when I suddenly took it down multiple times. I know that there have been times when I nagged you with constant back-to-back updates and sudden disappearances. I just want to thank you for staying with me through this journey. Writing this story has taught me so much.

I want to give a special thanks to these users:  SushiCatSeries who has been critiquing this novel for the past few months, she has helped me become a better writer. Nickiepie345 who has voted on every chapter that I have posted, without her I don't think I would have continued this story. I want to thank my writing group on Instagram for convincing me to continue writing when I lost faith in myself. I also want to thank my writing group on Discord for helping me become a better writer.

~ Ella R.P

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