Second chance's come in different forms

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Wind whistles against the tree's, blowing dead twigs and bones across the clearing. A women steps forward, wearing clothes from the 1095's. 

"Who do you think you are to walk into our home and deny us the hunt?!" She demands, sending glares towards the skeletons.

"I'm death," The leader harshly responds, 

"That doesn't mean anything here, you're just another meal on legs" Another girl says.

"I've come to offer a permanent way of getting what you desire, without killing or getting killed." Death's smooth voice says.

Barbaric cackles fills the forest as the Lost Souls fling their head back.

"No," Their voices crack as skin cracks off, reverting  to their original state.

Skeleton's behind Death take their scythes out, never taking their eyes off the Lost Souls.

"Remember what we came here to do," Death commands, wrapping a chain around his fist.

From afar Reanna walks around the forest, stepping over bones and twigs. Glancing around tree's with anxious eyes that never look at the same tree twice.

Where are the monster? Shouldn't this place be crawling with them? Whatever took them away, thank you.

Across the forest Death unclasps his cloak, the skeletons around him do the same. They all wore clothing from various centuries in history. Death wore a victorian suit on with numerous symbols of demise stitched on the fabric.

"You all have places where you belong,"

"FOOO!" They rush towards Death and the skeletons.

Instantly the skeletons snap into action, splitting apart and surrounding the Lost Souls in a circle. Death stands to the edge of the circle.

"People love you and want you,"

Skeletons aim their blade towards their bodies.

"This isn't what you want and you know it," Death say dodging their greedy hands.

The skeletons flip their weapons around as Lost Souls run towards Death. He jumps up, avoiding the mob that's sliced into ashes and thrown back. He delicately landing on a branch above, watching the scene below. Some Lost Souls shriek, dropping to the ground and curl into a ball.

Reanna wonders towards the noise.

This may be stupid or the best plan ever

Hidden in the Shadows Reanna slowly walks near the clearing, analyzing everything that's happening. Climbing up a tree she sits on a sturdy branch, just above the Lost Souls reach and under the radar of the animals. Leaning against the base she keeps an eye on the fight well watching the tree's around her.

"All you have to do is come with me," Death announces, hanging the chain bellows.

Lost Souls flip their body around, attacking the skeletons nearest to them. Two of them manage to dig their claws into the skeletons bones, dragging them down.

Instantly the Lost Souls around snap towards the mangled skeleton's. Their bones crumble, falling to pieces as white smoke leaves their bodies. The monsters jump towards the white smoke, shoving each other out of their way. Their claws dig into decomposing skin as one manages to crawl onto the body. Sucking up the smoke and falling into a trance.

Another lost Souls does the same with with other skeleton. In minutes the other Lost Souls attack the one's in a trance. Falling into a trance of their own. Bellator drops to the ground, behind the Lost Souls.

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