Velvet's mistake.

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Velvet has made many mistakes in her life and her career but this was too much, kidnapping an innocent troll? That's where the lines became blurred to me.

This wasn't right, I feel it and I don't want to let velvet down. She's always been there for me through it all, especially after we had found the little guy a few months after our 18th birthday.

I couldn't continue on, I do love my sister but fame and fortune isn't worth this, I can see through most of his limbs at this point, the poor guy couldn't even lift his head as he struggled to get into a sitting position. I couldn't watch this anymore.

I had caught up to him after he attempted to run being able to trick the both of us by playing dead. I held the amethyst colored diamond in my hands and watched as he begged for me to let him go, his magenta eyes rounded with black eyeliner pleading.

"Please Veneer, just let me go past you and you could pretend not to see me." I couldn't resist the twinge in my heart, I wanted to hesitate as I heard my sister's clunky heels catching up to us but the small trolls words cut me off,

"Just because she's your sister doesn't mean you should let her treat you like garbage." He says that like it's simple, she doesn't treat me like garbage... or does she, I honestly genuinely don't know at this point, ever since we've achieved fame over night it was almost like I couldn't recognize my overdramatic sister anymore. It's turned her into a beast and I can hear her footsteps approaching. I had to make a choice.

I ripped open the closet and threw him inside and quickly slammed the door shut. I squeezed my eyes shut and took a shaky breath as tears collected in my eyes.

I didn't like going against my sister but I couldn't keep enabling Velvet like this by using someone innocent. All because she wanted to be famous. I didn't really want this but it was either I joined her or lost her. It feels so wrong but it's the right thing to do.

But it would take a while to sneak him away, because I would have to play this very carefully, one wrong move and Velvet would find the both of us in cahoots together.

"Veneer! Did you get him?!" Her blue pie cut eyes scanned the area around me looking for a glimmer of violet.

"No I didn't, he was too quick, I'm sorry-"
Her snarl made my stomach drop and she huffed. She quickly turned to go back into her dressing room and began talking,

"You're lucky I was able to get Brozone to come get their precious brother, if I lose everything, So. Do.You." She stomped back into her own room and slammed the door behind her. I felt tears drip down my cheeks, she was angry which means I would have to sit in solitude until she blessed me with her presence again.

Crimp certainly wasn't good company, at least to me, she's always to nervous and eager to please, plus it doesn't help that she'd snitch to Velvet the second I stepped out of line. If I over stepped like I have when she first obtained Floyd, I would be hit again.

But That was an eerily close one, I shuffled to the closet door and opened it to glance at the violet container that held the source of my sister's new founded talent.

"Thank you!-"

"Don't thank me yet, I have to sneak you enough under her nose to get you home." He smiled softly and his eyes were watery with appreciation. His look was what made it worth my sister's wrath. I picked up the diamond and opened the lid and let him climb on my pale whitish finger.

"Veneer I don't know how to thank you." He tucked himself onto my golden shoulder pad and held tightly onto the loose strands of my lime green hair.

"*sigh* you'll find a way, but let's get you back to my room and you can hide on my bed." I knew my bed would be comfortable for him to sleep in, plus I could feed him the jellybeans that Velvet keeps giving me.

That's at least a bonus, plus he is kinda cute, I am a bit curious on how he became trollnapped by my sister of all people.

But I glanced down to see him sleeping against the side of my neck gripping tightly to my bluish purple choker, the little guy was looking rough so I don't blame him for knocking out on me.

But I've reached my room now and neither my sister nor crimp were in sight and I let out a breath of relief. I quickly turned around and quietly locked the door behind me.  I was now in the safety of my own room where Velvet wouldn't dare come in without permission. I slid down to the floor and saw how my vision blurred with tears, I didn't care at this point. I honestly have had enough of everything, this fame wasn't worth how my sister treats me.

I shuffled my way to the vanity and found my makeup remover, with the cotton pad that I soaked, I took off my lipstick and cyan eyeshadow, to reveal my pale under circles and my almost white pastel blush pink lips. My eyeliner and mascara were smudged down my face due to my crying and I looked terrible.

I did the right thing, I now want to hurt her, the way she hurt me. She was dragging me down and I was letting her.

"I didn't know that the green was lipstick." I heard a small tired voice ring out, My deep ocean blue eyes caught magenta in the mirror and I could sob at him seeing me in such a disgusting light.

"Vel makes me wear it, she says it distinguishes us more." I don't have the energy to cover up my ugliness from the troll, I was ugly especially with Vel tugging at my platinum leash and all the horrible things she's made me feel.

"Well, I think you look nice without it." His cerulean hand was against my thin neck as an attempt to comfort me. 

"Oh please I'm hideous, especially after how I let Velvet treat you, crimp and myself..." the tears began a new and a breathy sob broke itself through the silence and I couldn't stop.

I could feel his small arms wrap around my neck and I felt the warmth radiating off of him. I didn't deserve this I-

"BRO! HAVE YOU WRITTEN THAT NEW SONG YET?!" I sighed and tried to collect myself like I've always done. I knew she was just using me and it made me feel sick that I've let my admiration for her go this far.

"God she's such a- such a- grr, I absolutely hate her." I smiled at the small trolls fury because it strangely made me feel better how I'm more well liked than her in his eyes.

"Yes Vel, I did, I'll bring it to you later."

I put Floyd in my hand and put in down on my vanity to let him get closer to the candy dish full of edible treats I loathe. I know Vel gets me things I hate on purpose so why not let someone else get a joy out of it.

I watched as the blue and pink troll picked up a jellybean that was almost half the size of him and start to eat. The way he stuffed his cheeks like a squirrel was honestly adorable,

I better start getting used to my new guest because I have a feeling that we're going to have to spend a lot of time together.

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