Prospects of Fatherhood

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Without warning Floyd plucked the triplets out from their eggs and placed them on my legs as to let me see them without the additional possibly of opening my freshly given stitches.

I could feel my tears falling as those three wide glittery sets of eyes were on me after they emerged,

With Said shells that once held them now laid abandoned as all three babies were almost four whole days early from hatching.

It was probably due to my Mount Rageon genes still lurking in their blood that they came ridiculously early. However upon Judging from their features and the sight of only one having external parts I've had two girls and one boy.

The first girl who hopped into Floyd's arms giggling as he caught her with ease with his own eyes gushing tears as she cooed at him had a head of pale almost powdery pinky brownish hair with scatters of both green and magenta throughout.

Her fluffy almost cotton candy textured hair was styled similar to Floyd's but was much more wispier almost taking the shape of a swirl of whipped cream. Her bangs were again similar to Floyds but hers were feathered and a lot shorter as their end reached her pinky eyebrows.

Her eyes however were a stunning shade of a stunning lavender with her skin being a milky sky blue with glitter freckles spread across the bridge of her pastel pinky purple nose up to the apples of her chubby cheeks.

Just like her father and that made my heart swoon with joy at how much she genuinely looked like someone took me and Floyd and put us into a blender.

"Hyacinth." I cooed at her watching her gummy smile as Floyd rose an eyebrow at the name I picked for her but His smile didn't waver. But I couldn't help the name that I picked because her eyes just reminded me of the hyacinth flowers my mom planted in her garden, so her name was quite befitting.

"What?" I must've broken him from his admiration of his daughter, with a almost breathless laugh due to my grogginess from surgery, I pressed forward with,

"Her name's Hyacinth." I reached out to stroke her peach fuzz cheek only to receive a loud squealing giggle as she squirmed in her fathers arms. Suddenly a small indigo fist hit my thigh as to focus on the second girl who crawled into my arms, clearly impatient about being ignored, a big pout on her navy blue lips as she craved my attention.

Her same fluffy cotton candy hair was the color of mine with it being a only tad darker in saturation than mine and styled similar to Poppy's with the swooping side fringe with Hyacinth's same whipped cream appearing feathery style.

However instead of being a pure mix of the both of us like Hyacinth was, this new little one that now sat in my arms had my sapphire blue eyes and skin of her father with his glittery sparkles decorating her small chubby body she appeared almost like a night sky twinkling with stars.

I was tempted to snort as her periwinkle nose started twitching in annoyance as her sister got more attention than her. A little attention seeker, I could already tell that this one is going to get into loads of trouble, but hey she's my little trouble maker.

I pressed a kiss to my new baby's forehead only for those cute chubby indigo hands with black nails to grip onto my cheeks as she bubbled at my attention in almost angry coos that I even bothered to take my gaze off of her.

Definitely a daddy's girl, especially as she swatted away Floyd with an angry 'WAH' letting her chubby fist grasp my choker as she played innocent afterwards. Even going as far to giggle as kept tapping her nose with my index finger with her chunky stubby tail swinging.

I smiled and held her to my chest letting her grip my indigo choker , making sure that I maneuvered her with precaution as I was still healing from the ginormous slash over my innards and I took in my one baby boy, and holy shit was he almost a carbon copy of me,

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