Spring cleaning

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I gripped the newly placed bedsheets in my hands as Poppy removed the old ones and I grinned as she fluffed up the pillow like mattress that laid on wooden foundation.

As I fiddled with the sheets my mind seems to consistently wander away from reality and back to the days before our fame as the infamous sibling duo of Velvet and Veneer.

Was I the reason why she was so....Her? I remembered how Floyd's theory of me producing my own essence to replenish his essence which could explain some of her behaviors as we grew up together.

The table flipping, screaming and fighting along with her Codependency on me. It would explain all of it and that could only mean that I was the one to blame for her rapidly depleting sanity as the strings holding it together were being snipped away.

I couldn't help the feeling of guilt worming itself into my heart and it made me feel happy at the same time. At least she could probably get her sense of self back and I wouldn't be able to fuel her fits.

It almost seemed like a win win strangely enough. We definitely needed to spend time apart. I was right...

I did the right thing.. for both of us.

"Ven you okay?" I looked into worried morganite eyes as Poppy took the sheet away from me and started to make the bed not letting her irises leave mine before I turned to make sure Branch was preoccupied by making sure my boyfriend, his brother was comfortable downstairs.

If I was going to gut myself with my all of my entrails on display I would be the most comfortable with Poppy seeing them.

"I didn't want to leave her." I let the tears start to slide down my cheeks leaving cold trails in their wake. Poppy stopped what she was doing and held my hand as she stared at me with understanding compassion written in her pupils.

"But I couldn't watch as she hurt him anymore because I-" I let out a soft sob as her arms wrapped around me and silently pressed herself into me.

"I saw myself all over again and I couldn't let anyone else be hurt the same way I was." I numbly nuzzled Poppy's shoulder as she ran her fingers through my hair. I could feel my heart becoming lighter as I expressed my thoughts and she responded,

"I'm sorry that you've been carrying this all by yourself." I lifted my head and shook my head,

"Floyd knows based on what he saw, but I've never told him about everything and I just feel guilty because you and him have done so much for me-" I broke down and kept my gaze locked onto the floor refusing to meet those warm and kind Himalayan salt colored eyes of hers. I didn't deserve the compassion that they were giving me but I couldn't help but selfishly accept it to make myself feel better about my shitty actions.

"I feel the exact same way!" She says with surprise lacing her tone and I didn't realize I had opened my mouth with a awkward,

"What?" I didn't understand what she meant by she felt the same exact way about me as I do both her and my lover. I haven't done anything besides the bare minimum.

"I mean it's just.. if it wasn't for you or your sister my boyfriend would've never gotten his family back, they would still been bitter at each other and honestly it's strange but I can't thank you enough for bringing them together again because listen." She paused and I could hear the sound of rowdy laughter from downstairs and I felt more tears claw from my eyes and fall.

"Well then I'm glad some good came from that mess then..." I sniffled and twiddled my finger together silently waiting for Poppy to say something only for her to hit me with a rapid,

"Now tell me about your relationship with your sister-" I was shocked and started to babble,

"I mean that's a lot to unpack and something that I should save for a therapist-" my mouth kept rambling on but she put her finger to my lips effectively silencing me as she started to speak again,

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