Traveling passions - (Floyd's pov)

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As I sat next to my newly turned boyfriend I couldn't resist looking at him with his stunning beauty, those glittery blue eyes with thick eyelashes framing them perfectly opened in sheer curiosity with a cute baby pink nose twitching as it took in new scents.

I leaned towards him and pecked him on his milky white cheek. I saw how when the light hit him perfectly it looked as if his skin had a sheer pink tint to it and he flushed as my lips left his cheek.

Now he was my size and that definitely made more things possible between us like holding hands, kissing on the lips, hugging and maybe... my face grew hot at the possibility of something much more intimate than kissing being put on the table.

I mean I did want to make that dream of his a reality, it was definitely possible for me to be able to do it now especially with his decreased size. I want to ask him about it, I want my newly transformed lover to spill his guts about what fantasies he had between the two of us that night. What had him in the throes of unfiltered bliss that night? My mind was racing at the thought of that night being fully exposed to his animalistic desires with his mouth open as he begged me to take him harder.

I mean I am a tad flattered especially since judging from his ex boyfriend he had been sexual before yet he's never been anywhere near erotic with me, well besides that night in his old bedroom at his grandmothers house.

But besides my deprived thoughts of cherishing him sensually, I desperately wanted to know so much about his life except what he told me and what I've witnessed,

I wanted to know what he was like before his sister found me, did he have support growing up? Was he as shy as I imagined he was? So many different questions of all topics bounced around in my head but I couldn't help but think that I want to give him his dreams and watch them come true,

If he wanted to design clothes I'd help him, if he wanted to pursue art I would help him crush berries to get paints.

No matter what direction he went in this life, I want to be by his side like his shadow, forever supporting and giving him everything his now small heart desires.

Veneer looked towards Poppy and must've given her a look that I couldn't see before she winked and skipped over to the driver's seat where Branch stood  giving John Dory directions to Troll village she almost led the conversation and distracted them, keeping their gaze on her rather then us.

Then suddenly those big blue specked with rosy gold were on my and he softly pulled me in by my waist unnoticed by everyone else to absorbed by being a part of Troll Village chit chatting with Poppy as she just kept talking. While I was distracted He whispered breathlessly in my ear,

"You're blushing, do you want to tell me what you're thinking about?" My bubblegum had a shit eating grin on his face as if he knew that he was the one consuming my waking thought's in this moment and I sighed before whispering back,

"You and how I want to make all your dreams come true I mean it was a shame that it was a dream." My heart was slamming against my ribcage and I felt my hands vibrating as I held onto his upper arms and he still had a loose hold on my waist as I realized I just semi-revived what he said that night after he came as he sat there in his bead breathlessly panting with sweat trickling down his slim form making him glow in the moonlight that shone down from his window. His face burned severely and he cleared his throat before his lips met my ear again,

"You were awake that night weren't you." I could feel as my stomach dropped into my intestines and my soul rapidly leaving my being as he suddenly bit his lip and let our thighs touch from how closely he scooted over to me. I knew that he would catch on to my obvious call back to the night I jerked off while he was weeping in need and his eyes now looked as if the rose gold specked in his eyes were glowing pink with the blue surrounding them becoming more vivid.

"I—-I uh-" I was searching but I couldn't tell a lie to the being I wanted to be with, I don't want to be dishonest with him especially since we made a point of being honest with each other since we started to form our relationship together. My guts were tying themselves into knots along with my mouth feeling as if it were stuffed with cotton as my heart climbed itself into my throat. I couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation for me being so obvious about what I've witnessed,

"How did you know?" I was able to stutter out and his hand suddenly laid itself onto my thigh and he seductively cooed in my ear,

"You weren't wearing your pajamas when I woke up, what were you doing gumdrop?" His teeth lightly nipped the cartilage on my ear and I shuttered at their sharpness, and his warm breath that smelt of spearmint was causing my body to heat up in ways I've never experienced before and I silently gasped as he kissed behind my ear.

"I couldn't help myself you were just so pretty." I let out a inaudible moan when his teeth gingerly scraped against the skin of my shoulder as he moved down his exotic attack on me.

"Awww I'm flattered that you were just as excited as I was about us." He inched his fingers closer to my groin as he pecked my cheek with a tender delicately. My body was melting under his careful discreet attention as I sat there helplessly as my cock hardened and judging from his pantsuit, he was as excited as me from his provocative teasing. He stopped his ministrations and scooted away from me with a alluring smirk on his face, he then bit his lip and crossed his legs hiding the evidence of our hot game of seduction, I looked at him confused as I silently begged for more but before I could beg for him with my whimpering voice I heard John Dory walking over and started talking to me.

That's why he stopped his delicious lecherous game with me, he saw my brother coming and I could see my brothers lips moving rapidly but my thoughts were so foggy with raunchy passionate thoughts about my boyfriend I couldn't hear him over the sounds of my blood rushing through my veins with my heart playing wall ball with my chest.

My face probably looked as if I ran a marathon with how dark it was in appearance after being methodically tuned by my lover, I felt that he was certainly an musician and I was his guitar, he plucked my strings so purposefully that it made me sing and beg for more.

Veneer was certainly skilled in other things besides fashion and singing.

"Yay we're here!" The happiest curious voice rung out and I turned my head to see my beloved get up to explore the new world of Troll village with his now matching form.

I looked down where his cock could've been and saw it was gone.... He must have a sheath. I know that some male trolls have them, it not only had a cock but a cloaca to help them produce eggs along with a oviduct, that's how our dad was able to have all of us without a mother in place.

I honestly have no idea who our other father could be but he was probably eaten by Bergans.

But that's not important right now, what is is that Veneer definitely had egg laying potential and I now have to be careful with what I can do with him since both of our genitals were now compatible for producing eggs together.

I stood and tried to ignore my softening cock as Veneer held my hand with a nervous smile on his face, he was excited about meeting more of us and frankly so am I,

I haven't been able to know the others along with Troll village but I'm ready to be a part of this new community with Veneer by my side.

With a bit of a skip in his step as he pulled me forward, my green haired beauty was giggling with Poppy as she excitedly pulled him along. We were now in a bizarre conga line with Poppy leading Ven and my boyfriend leading me.

But honestly I wouldn't change this for the world, As Poppy explained how she was so ready to introduce her old friends Veneer rested his head on my shoulder sweetly, our hands intertwined with each others.

I was ready to come back and start a new life with Veneer and with my brothers, we were finally becoming a family again with new expansions.

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