Preparing for a date

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"C'mon Veneer sing for us!" Poppy bouncing up and down on the leaf shaped couch her energy was fierce today. As I the
placed the picture frame the after our nonstop trips through the marketplace, my flamingo themed sisters seemed to not light up on me their eyes lighting up like stars at night.

"Please your voice was so pretty last night!" Viva gave me wide glistening eyes begging for me to sing, I sighed and I smiled as I got ready to sing a melody, from a movie I can remember seeing with my father,

"Okay I have a song but it's a bit personal since I saw it in a movie," I started to let my voice drift off as I remembered that movie, I didn't really remember the plot but watching my dad ooze happiness as he was sharing one of his movies with me.

He was a dentist that barely had time for both me and Velvet but those times where we laid on the couch together and watched cheesy romance movies made all of it worth it.

I guess like father like son; both hopeless romantics that craved the cliché gooeyness of tender passionate love.

I could feel tears in my eyes as I reminded myself of him and growing up without him, especially when I finally found warmth of a family and a boyfriend who loves me more than anything in the entire universe.

Even with all my fuck ups and flaws, I wish my dad was still alive to see me now giggling with my new sister's gushing about how well I sung. Except the ring pops....

That was not a pretty experience and I'm not proud of it.

But other than that I really miss him and it sucks. Especially knowing what I know now with my mom and Velvet. I wish I had a better relationship with him but he did have a demanding job and could only do so much.

But I watched as my new sisters bounced in their seats as if I told them I was going to give them candy. With their quiet whispers of please wafted through the air I started,

"You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you~" I let my voice let out the lyrics in a breathy tone as I stood up from my bed.

"♪You're just like Heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much~♪" I sat up as I fixed the picture frame that was a tad crooked on the wall and smiled at seeing that it was me and Floyd again but it was a selfie we've taken at the party.  The songs gentle reminder how his skin was warm and silky against my fingers as the scent along with the taste of his tongue lingering in my mouth made me shiver in anticipation of seeing him again.

However, I really do have to start lighting candles and praying to Poppy every night because that girl is so goddamn fast and sneaky. Especially being able to capture pictures of us so quickly.

She must be some form of demi goddess wearing a pink joyful disguise, she's seemingly everywhere and can literally pull things out of thin air.

"♪ At long last, love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive~♪" I ran my knuckles down the picture frame as I let my gooey insides reveal themselves to my sisters as I started to lose myself in the gentle song. My eyes pricked with crystalline droplets as my gratitude for being alive to enjoy the comfort of my newly created family especially my lover.

"♪ You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you~ ♪" I cooed as I started making the bed, my sister's eagerly joining and hummed a beat for me as I continued in a soft coo,

"♪ Pardon the way that I stare. There's nothin' else to compare~♪" especially those stunning raspberry sorbet eyes that twinkled with tiny stars at gazing into mine, there was nothing to compare his thoughtful and tender gaze to.

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