A traitor among us

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"Good morning my over grown rose thorn" my eyes snapped as I awoke in the one of velvet's juicer containers as a similar grotesque voice hit my ear drums,

I sat up and was met with an eerie familiar face of that weird purple-skinned Troll with blue, teal and green long straight hair.

The one with thick blue eyebrows and a peach-colored nose, the one I decked in the nose after he refused to let me go.

But instead of wearing that piss colored pair of yellow yoga pants on the night I met him, he was wearing a stylish black vest with a pair of matching silk pants, a green rose sticking out from his chest of the left side as my grossed out meter was rapidly rising.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" I snarled at his very unwelcoming presence as he smirked at me from outside my confines. As he sprayed some sort of breath spray in his mouth as if he was preparing for something magical to happen.

"Well I was a bit upset about you punching me so I kindly helped your sister out with finding you since you've been shacking up with my ex boyfriend." Oh god I remember that, he and Floyd broke up over.... I think it had something to do with the fact that he was rejected from Clay but that didn't change my souring mood as he was practically parading himself around as if he were Prince Charming.

"Oh you're fucking dead when I get out of here-" I banged both my fists against the glass as I flashed him my canines ready to attack him.

"Oh hush darling those are the pregnancy hormones talking~" he kept snipping pictures of wedding bells with his tiny scissors as a opened sparkly scrapbook laid wide open next to him. My heart dropped as he just blew my entire chance of trying to hide my pregnancy from the fame obsessed lunatic that held me and my sister captive, he probably snitched on me already.

"How do you-" I felt my heart race as the hope of keeping my baby safe from relative harm was slipping rapidly through my fingers almost like sand as time was working against me here.

"You see pregnant trolls release a pheromone that kind of makes people get an urgency to protect you, it almost smells like roses~ very befitting of you my rose thorn" interesting, I wonder if Poppy was able to smell me after my lustful rendezvous with my future husband and pushed it off, but her own body made her more protective of me.

Especially as a queen protecting one of her unborn subjects without even fully realizing it. That's probably why she's been almost itching to spend more time with me as well,

The thought that the baby was pumping out hormones to guarantee it's own survival  made me a bit sad as they've developed this trait as to continue the species. But something stood on the forefront of my mind as I spoke again,

"Did you tell her?" But my eyes watered as I clutched my abdomen scared shitless now. I didn't want my baby taken away from me...

I already am too attached.

I let a sob escape my lips as I crumbled down to the floor.

"No, I didn't if that stops your over theatrics." I let out a sigh of relief as I stroked my tummy, afraid of losing my egg but I wasn't going to go down with out a fight.

"Why not?" I asked hoping that he'd give me an honest response and his response came just as quick as my question did,

"because by the time she's done you'll be as barren as when you came into pop village" he smirked as he fixed the bowtie that hung around his neck like a choker and he made me see red at his smug attitude.

"What does getting rid of my baby have to do with you!" I could feel my hands going numb as the anxiety along with the boiling hot rage as I slammed my fists into the wall behind him, feeling myself trying to make myself appear bigger with puffing up my chest and had stinging claws digging into my palms as my heart raced.

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