Chapter 8: Brown like honey

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I drove towards our usual hangout spot, an elite club. The anticipation of meeting my friends built up within me. The club was filled with so many people like every other day. I went towards the bar for the VIP's and found everyone already present. Their laughter echoed through the air as I walked in, greeting me with warm smiles.

"Veer! Finally!" Aiden exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug.

"Hey, Veer, you're late, man. We were just discussing the latest movie," Yug added, giving me a friendly punch on the shoulder.

I took a seat between them, Scarlett was glaring at Aiden and complaining about the girls who were ogling at him. We laughed at his misery as he glared at me, "I will also laugh when you suffer from your girl's wrath." 

"That day is not going to come anytime sooner." I proudly said chugging down my mocktail as the five of them looked at each other and burst out laughing.

Wow! Why are they so sure that I will end up falling in love just like them. I mean yeah it's cute but Veer Singh Raichand doesn't do 'Cute'.

As we continued catching up about each other's past days, I couldn't help but notice Ishika looking a little lost. She was continuously moving her glass and kept zoning out.

"Everything is fine naa Sakhi?" I leaned towards her and gently whispered so only she could hear.

She looked a little surprised but soon came out of it and frantically nodded. 

I wanted to ask but I decided against pressuring her into it. We friends have a rule, if any of us is going through a problem we will share it with each other cause we aren't allowed to go through anything alone. We will always have each other's back and I am pretty sure that if sakhi wants to talk about something I will be the first person she would talk to just as she is for me.

Halfway through our chats and she was finally back to herself even though I could clearly see her pretence. Something was definitely troubling her.

"Sakhi," But before I could say something she interrupted me and teased with a mischievous glint in her eyes, "You didn't tell us about the girl who called your car Flashy! Who's the mystery girl?" 

"Yeah Veer you didn't tell us about her." Scarlett grinned at me as I chuckled.

My expression turned to an annoyed one as soon as I thought of that girl. What's with me bumping into all kind of weirdos these days. First the 'Flashy cum fancy car' then the 'Bakery girl' and then Arya's friend. What was her name again. Yeah Isha. Ugh! This is tiresome, they are different people, "Well! I don't even know her name. And before you guys jump to conclusions, it was an accident."

"Sure it was." Yug and Aiden looked at each other and burst out laughing.

A chorus of laughter erupted, and I couldn't help but smile at their teasing. The camaraderie we shared was truly one of a kind.

As we settled in, Aiden raised his Mocktail in a toast, "To Veer's chaotic phone conversation!"

"How did you know about that?" I asked as the four looked at Sakhi. Right! She was the only one I told and she told all of them. 

"Sakhi!" I playfully spoke as she pouted at me, "Come-on where is the fun if we don't share it." 

"To chaos!" We all echoed, clinking our glasses together.

The conversation flowed effortlessly, touching upon everything from work challenges to Yug and Jyeshtha's latest adventures and Ishika's latest journaling offers.

"Speaking of marriage what happened to the girl who helped you solve Arya and Nakul's issue?" Jyeshtha prodded, I looked at my friends, a curious glint in their eyes but just like them I was also curious. 

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