Chapter 11: He is insufferable

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What was all that? As soon as Veer left, I could finally take a breath in relief. His Mom and Dad are so sweet and he? He is an idiot.

'A handsome idiot.' My inner voice added and I couldn't help but roll my eyes at myself as I stood glaring g holes at myself in the mirror.

The whole encounter with Mrm Raichand played out like a scene from one of those soap operas in my mind.

The embarrassment from all I did clung to me, a constant reminder of the unexpected defeat I faced today.

Ugh! Not a single of my pranks failed beofre this one. I mean I am a professional duh!

"Why does he have to be so infuriatingly charming?" I muttered, my pacing matching the speed of thoughts racing through my head. The image of his smug grin replayed, each word intensifying my vexation.

I decided to vent my frustrations to my family, determined to paint Mr Raichand in the worst possible light cause they seem to adore him alot.

They were even asking me what I thought of him and I ignored them like my heels were on fire but I think I have the perfect response now.

But the fact that I won't even probably see him anymore or as much atleast cause it's not like he is related to us or family, hell! He ain't even Aditya jiju's family so I guess I am safe actually. So why the hell am I worried about it?

As soon as we all gathered in the dinning table, I animatedly recounted the whole meeting and added dramatic flair to every word, emphasizing his arrogance and highlighting his flaws. Yet, my family's reaction was not what I anticipated.

"He sounds like a character!" Chachi exclaimed, her laughter mingling with the amused chuckles of the others. From Riya di to Dad all of them seemed to have fallen for his tricks.

Especially Anika, the girl is being his biggest supporter. She should already be the president of his fanclub, considering the way she glares at me everytime I attempt to say something against him.

Even Rishit seemed to be impressed with the guys and find some charm in his sugarcoated talks.

"What's happening?" I thought, my frustration reaching new heights. "Don't they see through his act?" I whispered to myself, feeling like the lone soldier against the enchanting charm of Mr. Raichand.

Why are we even talking so much about him, it's not like he is going to be here or even worse be with me.

And yet undeterred, I continued my verbal assault on Mr. Raichand, elaborating on his supposed insufferable nature. The chaos in the room heightened as my family, instead of siding with me, seemed to develop an unexpected fondness for him.

"What if he is hiding something," I declared dramatically, trying to grasp at any explanation that would justify my unease. The room echoed with a chorus of laughter, as if mocking my futile attempts to unveil Mr. Raichand's true self.

At this point I was just being unreasonable cause I wanted someone to agree with me that they found him just as much unlikable as I did.

In a fit of frustration, I revisited our conversations, each teasing remark and every smug expression. "This has to be an act," I insisted, my voice gaining an edge of determination.

Stop Isha, people will think you are obsessed with him or else why would you even think so much about him.

"No!" I protested aloud, as if trying to convince myself.

The chaotic battle between my rational mind and the perplexing allure of Veer Singh Raichand continued, creating a storm within me.

"He definitely was upto something," I declared, my words laced with curiosity.

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